If you'd like to be on this page, I'm totally fine with adding you. I'm turning off commenting for this page because that will be too confusing for me, so please email me at jillsmo at gmail.com and let me know.
I'm also told that you guys get lots of traffic from me... YAY! And I'm sorry if my making this change will lesson your site traffic. In exchange, I will "highlight" one blog per month and for that month yours will be the only "button" that I will feature in my sidebar. Hopefully this will still bring you guys traffic. Then again, this might be a complete disaster, in which case, well..... I'll just pretend I was never here.
Please help me to organize this list! If I've put you in a category that you don't think is right, let me know!! If you think there's something else I should be changing here.... OMG LET ME KNOW.
Thank you for your continued cooperation

(Mostly) Autism Blogs
- AAC Apps, Service Dogs, and Life with Autism
- A Little Bit Quirky
- Adventures in Extreme Parenthood
- Anybody Want a Peanut?
- Apples and Autobots
- Autism and Oughtisms
- Autism and Empathy
- Autism Cafe
- Autism Daddy
- Autism Rocks
- Autism Underground
- Blogzilly
- Confessions of an Asperger's Mom
- Defining "Normal"
- Finding Ninee
- Floortime Lite Mama
- Four Plus an Angel
- Four Sea Stars
- Gingerheaddad
- I'm Just That Way and That's Just Me
- Just A Lil Blog
- Living With Logan
- Many Hats Mommy
- Mostly True Stuff
- My Whac-A-Mole Life
- Round World, Flat Map
- Seven YuckMouths And Autism
- Small But Kinda Mighty
- Snagglebox
- Solodialogue
- Sorted Mega Blocks
- Stinker Babies
- Tales from Beyond the Dryer Vent
- The Connor Chronicles
- The Domestic Goddess
- The Other Side of Normal
- The Squashed Bologna: A slice of life in the sandwich generation
- The Tumultuous Truth
- This Side of Typical
- Unhandicapping the Disabled Life
- Unplanned Trip to Holland
- Yellow Chips N Ketchup
(Mostly) Parenting Blogs
- Attracted to Shiny Things
- Bitches in the Burbs
- Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva
- Not Just Another Mother Blogger
- Reading & Chickens
- The Pearl in the Oyster
- The Robot Mommy
- Tulpen's Bad Words
- Two Cannoli
Other Blogs About (Mostly) Nothing and/or General Jackassery
- A Life Less Ordinary
- Adventures in Estrogen
- Bre Writes (she actually pays me $250 a month for this link)
- Closet Space Musings
- Handflapping
- Maybe It's Just Me
- Mayor Gia
- No Cheez Pleez
- Perceive My Reality
- Point Counter-Point Point Point
- ProfMomEsq
Turkey Sighting Blogs
My Idols (Mostly)