xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: The Dive Bar

The Dive Bar

"Thanks so much, Jill.  Your name really is Jill isn't it?  You are so mysterious!  Like a strange little cursing fairy godmother!"
Hey! This isn't "faux dive" .... this is just a dive!

Do you have a family friendly blog? Does your grandmother read what you write? Do you have a reputation of some sort to uphold? Do you ever wish you could just go fucking balls out and write a scathing, curse filled rant but you're afraid that your Brother-in-law might see you talking shit about how much of an asshole you think he is?

If any of this applies to you, I invite you to share your stories here. I have no reputation whatsoever. Think of this as a dark, dank bar and me as a drunken stranger whose name you don't even remember anymore and that you will never see again. Tell your story here. Nobody will ever know.....

The Rules:

Yeah, there are no rules, just write what you want, although maybe stay away from the politics, because politics make me stabby. I will post your story and, by default, I will put your name with a link back to where you blog, but if you don't want that, just let me know. I'll keep it posted forever, or until you chicken out and ask me to take it down, whichever comes first. You don't have to ask first, if you're interested, just send your words to jillsmo @ gmail.com and if you have any limitations or concerns, make sure you tell me. I'm taking submissions on an ongoing basis, and will post them on Saturday or Sunday in a first come first served basis.

Click here to see all the stories I've posted so far.

UPDATE 9/2/11: Just to clarify the purpose of the Dive Bar, this is for you to be able to get something off your chest that you have no other outlet for, this is not the place for you to try to get traffic to your own blog. I am not looking for guest bloggers, my purpose is to allow you a safe space to say something that you want to say. If you send me something that you have previously posted on your own blog or somewhere else, like Band Back Together, I will not post it. That defeats the entire purpose of the Dive Bar, in my opinion. Thank you for your understanding.

Comments (28)

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Ths is awesome! Boy oh BOY do I need a really a glass of wine ... make it the bottle ... and to get a "few things" off my chest. If it was not for the fact that my mother-inlaw cyber stalk me ... I would vent in my own blog. Good thing she has no idea tha I have a new BFF. *wink*

I will definately be back to gossip.
1 reply · active 737 weeks ago
Bring it on, sister! That's what it's here for :)
Ummm ... just noticed I have ALOT of typos in my last comment. *hanging head down*

I guess that is what I get for being on the computer when the 3 children are pulling every toy known to man kind out of their closets.
1 reply · active 737 weeks ago
I would offer to edit them out for you but I don't have that power :( Sorry
Ha!! That's a really good idea!! My blog is brand new and I'm still working out wether it will be 100% for me (so a secret to those in my life) or if it will be something that I'll share with people, but it's good to know this place exists should I need it... I love me a dive bar and I don't get to go out a lot these days... So I like that I have a new virtual hangout! Thanks Jillsmo!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Your curse words are welcome here any time
that bar looks A LOT like the shitty bar in Fort Myers my sister and I had a SUB PAR pina colada in. Now THAT'S WEIRD.
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1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It's very likely that it is! I just did a Google image search for Dive Bar.
Hahaha... funny. What if my reputation is already in the gutter & I shout it from the hills? LOL
Oh, I'm soooo taking you up on this. Someday. Mebbe. Not really.

Also, how do you not have a facebook fan page? Look, I'm not a Twatter, so I need you to make a facebook page so I can love you long time over there, mmmmkay? Thanks.

1 reply · active 728 weeks ago
Also, I'm sick of your *Blogger* page refusing to linky to my Wordpress page whenever I leave a comment here, so insert calling card/shameless plug here: www.laughingthroughtears.com. ;-P Are they feuding or something?
My recent post Awtism awareness Spread it like a fungus
What an awesome idea. I will definitely be emailing you something!
My recent post Two sides
You're a genius.
Um, that blond chick on the left, wearing the glasses? The one on the phone to her husband, telling him she's stuck at work and won't be home for 3 more hours? I may, um, know her.
My recent post Haterz B Hatin'; Part 2 (Worldwide, YO!)
Most of my family reads my blog. I don't edit what I say for them. My niece now thinks I'm the coolest person in the family. Ha! Fooled her!
My recent post Monday's Words of Wisdom
AutismAwareness's avatar

AutismAwareness · 706 weeks ago

I don't have a blog, but I really need to vent, so what the hell, here it goes...____What the hell is wrong with people? Seriously, wtf is their problem? My autistic 9 y.o. boy started 4th grade a month ago and it's been a complete nightmare, for me! He's high functioning and has been mainstreamed for 2 years now. It's always a struggle with the school system but with a good ed consultant and a fabulous advocate (me!) he's been successful. I've already had to call an IEP to deal with the crap that is going on this year! It's the teacher, so unwilling to accommodate him. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Things like, "I couldn't help him get his homework into his backpack because he was late coming back from math class" My question, "why was he 'late'?" Her answer...get ready..."because he went to the restroom on his way back". Really? My kid had to pee! Good Lord, why not just put him in detention? It goes on and on, that's just one example. I just don't get it. I'm not asking for backflips, I'm asking for common sense! Grrrr...WTF?
2 replies · active 636 weeks ago
That sucks :(
I feel your pain. Every year it's a roll of the dice on what kind of teacher you have to deal with it. My 10 y.o. girl is also high functioning and mainstream. Last year was awesome, had two teachers that co-teached and they were older,,,they were WONDERFUL! this year, not so great. Have a real bitch of a teacher who obviously hasn't been teaching long and hasn't had many Autistic kids. Hard not to walk in and smack the shit out of them on some days. You get a lot of people that just think you don't discipline your kid well enough and it's your fault. Yeah, if I could fix her brain by beating the shit out of her a couple times, I would consider it you fucking moron! We walk a bumpy road, and all I can say is,,HAND ON FOR THE RIDE!! If you keep hitting a wall with the teacher, ask them to move your child to a different class. As always, sudden changes don't usually go well, so maybe start preparing him with talking about new adventures he might have in new classrooms. I hope it gets easier for him! Hang in there Mom, it's okay to be the Botch when you have to. Put on your Momma Growl and go in swinging!
tempting. . . this seems like the Billy Joel story venue, if ever there was one!
My recent post Big Timin' It
Holy crap! I love this! Bookmarked!
My recent post A Chat with my 7th Grade Android
Ohhhhhh....this is an AMAZING idea! You might be my new cyber-bff.

Here's my vent: my family reads my blog, and my mom and grandmother comment on it ALL the time. It's sweet--MOST of the time. My mom likes to write freaking *books* as comments though, as opposed to a short little comment like the rest of humanity. She uses pet names, she tells me she loves me, and uses my blog to give me marital advice. She's incredibly sensitive and easily offended, so if I tell her that my blog is NOT the place for any of that, I know full well that she'll be offended and not comment at all. But really, she's driving me CRAZY. She commented on today's blog post, and I lost count of how many paragraphs it was supposed to have.

Also, because my mom and grandmother read my blog, I refrain from talking sh!t about my family. And I refrain from discussing my sex life. I feel repressed sometimes.

So there you have it. Today's vent. Thanks for the opportunity! I'll totally be back.
My recent post 12 Things to Make Our Home More Homey In 2012
We're just beginning this "not normal" journey. We're going through our school system's special needs department which is great...except. They keep asking ME not my son's fucking teacher WHY SHE WAITED SO LONG TO TELL ME THERE'S A PROBLEM. Ask, the cock bite whore, not me.
I love dive bars! Great idea.
I just want someone to tell me my almost nine year old twins will some day use the bathroom independently. And that includes 1. not sticking their heads in the toilet 2. not dipping toilet paper in the toilet and then eating it 3. not sitting on the side of the toilet with their feet in the water while doing a one-man performance of any given Christmas special. Is that so much to ask? Okay I feel a little better.
Um. Where to begin. I would LOVE to let it all out, but in the name of a) sanity and b) traceability I do not dare write any of it down. Still, I take comfort in knowing that there is a place where I can let 'er rip if I ever get to the point that my (poor, sad, little) brain can no longer contain it all.

Thanks Jill!

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