xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Guest post: Kristi from Finding Ninee

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guest post: Kristi from Finding Ninee

Today I am happy to be hosting my buddy Kristi who blogs at Finding Ninee. She can also be found on twitter at @FindingNinee

I stole this picture off of her site. heh heh heh:

I want to thank Jillsmo for allowing me to guest post.  She is my bloggie crush.  I found her when I was oh-so-new to blogging, lost in a world of not knowing whether it was okay to post about what it feels like to hear the word autism for the first time one day and post a really bad drawing the next.  Her words and hilarious pictures saved me from worrying about what my blog was supposed to be.  Her direct and honest voice about parenting a kid with special needs has made me feel less alone more than once.  Jillsmo is awesome. (editor's note: SHUT UP!)

All I Need

Just a few short years ago, all I needed was a baby.  Previous pregnancy and marriage failure brought me to learning to deal with having Advanced Maternal Age printed at the top of all of my pregnancy paperwork.  Being pregnant at 40 quickly became all I need is a baby who ends up being okay.   Put on bed-rest halfway through meant that I had a whole new set of worries. All I needed was for us both to end up being alive. 

Although there were a couple of scares, I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby boy on the Fourth of July.  He was perfect.  I was perfect enough, having endured seeing the disgusting droopy hound dog that my vagina had become.  We were alive.  We were healthy.  And we were “normal.”  I was grateful. 

As he grew, my son mostly met his milestones. He walked at 13 months.  Not early.  But certainly there was no need for concern. 

The months went on and my son started talking a little bit.  His first word was mama because obviously he likes me best.  By 15 months or so, he was saying “mommy,” “daddy,” “bye-bye” and a few other words.  He seemed fine.  He seemed typical. 

By his second birthday, I was worried.  I let his doctor know that I was concerned that my little dude wasn’t speaking more.  She asked me what he’d said and I proudly let her know that just two days ago, he’d said “truck fell down.”  She assured me that having uttered a three-word sentence was really good for a boy his age.  I let it go.  I kept hoping he’d just start talking all of a sudden.  That was the first and last time he’s said “truck fell down.”  Still, it was easy to listen to opinions that everybody meets milestones on their own time-lines, that boys speak later than girls, and that boys who had been at home exclusively with mom spoke even later.  

Before my son turned two and a half, it was obvious that his language was lacking.  At some point, “bye-bye” had become “bah” and “Daddy” became “Cha.”  It was clear that we needed to face the fact that our son was delayed.  Enter Early Intervention, a developmental pediatrician, a speech therapist and me trying to figure out what was going on.

The word “autism” came up.  “Speech and language delay” and “developmental delay” came up.   Some of my son’s quirks seemed to point to autism.  So I learned a bit about it.  And I got discouraged when so many parents in that community were dealing with diet, sleep and immunity issues that were completely foreign to us.  The other thing that didn’t fit was that my son makes eye contact.  He loves to snuggle and looks to his father and me for approval.

There are times when he’s completely in his own world and I’m convinced he’s autistic.  When he’s tired, my physical little boy runs laps while emitting a “eeeeahhhheeeeahhhheeeeahhh” sound.  Seems like a stim.  He’s still extremely speech and language delayed.  He’s got sensory issues and gags or throws up when we brush his teeth.  He doesn’t really understand how to properly interact with his peers.  And yet, he wants to interact with them which makes it confusing and frustrating because that’s when it doesn’t look like autism.   Enter all I need is a diagnosis so that I can give a name to it.  Not having a name for it means that I don’t feel as comfortable talking about it.  It means not having a community.

But the thing is, I wish we knew for us.  All I need is not necessarily what he needs.  What we do have is one kick-ass awesome little boy who makes progress every day.  We have a school system that is willing to ignore our lack of a diagnosis and place my kid in ABA therapy because they can see that it’s working for him.  What we do have is awesome bloggers and a community of online people who are willing to offer advice, encouragement and cyber love. 

So for now, I’m content to simply need the knowledge that we’re doing the right things for our undiagnosed little boy.  And for now, that’s enough.  

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OMG my bloggie crush from when I started blogging. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You are...well...just so fucking awesome, I hugely appreciate you posting my "I don't have a diagnosis" drivel, you forging on through your own issues, life, busycrazyitiswhatitisstuff, and just being you. Even your editors note made me smile. Although yeah, thanks for letting the world know about the hole in my sweats that I am so not wearing right now (cough cough because that would make it day -- yeah, so um).
Thanks. For real. I've said it before. I'll say it now. Your words have meant so much to me. And to so many. Thank you for sharing mine.
Lovely post, and great to hear you're getting the support your son needs. Sounds like you've got your head screwed on right xxx
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Finding Ninee...your child doesn't need to have a diagnosis to be a part of this community! Ultimately, we are all part of the greater community of special needs parents and all of us, from the autism parents to parents of children with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy and every other diagnosis in between, face similar joys, challenges, and struggles. You've got a community right here for you...welcome!
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Aw thank you...I just felt like I wasn't a part of it when I read about so many diet issues...and no doctors will tell us yes or no definitively. So I never feel "ok" saying "I'm an autism mom" although I have gotten better at saying "I'm a special needs mom" because, well, duh. I have had to.
Welcome to the family! Your son sounds so much like my own. Walked at 14 months. At 2 to 3 he would say a phrase once, identify an item, whatever, then we would never hear it again. He did the running and hooting/squealing thing then, and still does. We spent the next year with evaluations, referrals, examinations, reports, more referrals, more evaluations, more paper, and a special needs preschool that accepted him on the basis of his speech delay. After a year in paperwork limbo, we recieved a diagnosis of autism. He is five now, and is much improved in speech. He still is affectionate, playful and bright. My blog is pretty random in tone and topic too. I look forward to reading yours.
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
I was getting ready for bed when Jillsmo surprised me with posting this 12 hours before I thought I'd be able to say that my biggest bloggie crush ever guest posted me. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm getting really teary now. It helps so much to know that others have gone through the same unknown world and that everything is sill "okay." Thank you.
Jill is all of our blogger crush!! *Ü*. As my son & I have only been in the community for the past year - come join us on this adventure for getting what we need for our kids !! Keep on blogging - love the posts & courage to blog - I started myself, but can never get going!?!??
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thanks Nicole! And sometimes I wonder if the whole blogging thing takes up way too much time. It is really fun though. Plus, you find all these other amazingly cool bloggers and parents who are so wonderful and welcoming and and and...
I'm with reinventing mommy and kermommy, I had a therapist (OK my older sister who is head of the pediatric speech pathology department at a major children's hospital) tell me she thought Isaiah was on the spectrum just last year. I wanted to slap her. Mostly because we share a two week vacation once a year, so what does she know. Also because we have been to neurologists, occupational therapists and developmental pediatricians who all say....whatever it is, it's not "the spectrum". We do know he has sensory processing disorder, in him it takes MANY different forms, we also know that he has something going on with his basal ganglia (that's a part of the brain that is involved with a lot of the things we call developmental "issues") He has a wild Tic disorder, that is currently manifesting itself in him doing the hand moves from the peewee herman dance to Tequila! which he has never seen. He also rubs his eyes with both hands in a downward motion, like he is trying to close the eyes of a dead person. (that's this month, next month the tic will be something else) Everyone who spends time with him but doesn't like his behavior says "Are you sure it's not ADHD"? Yes, I'm sure, because 3 specialists say it's not, and he can sit and work on one project without problems. You know what? Whatever. I love him, I know what makes him tic (no pun intended), I also know what will make him go bonkers. We are 3 years ahead of you on our journey, a lot can still happen. You keep doing the work, and whoever Tucker is supposed to be, he will be and it will be awesome!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thank you. Sounds like you are doing everything right for your son. I think that part of the problem is that the autism spectrum is so broad and that when there's not a diagnosis, it's easy to pair traits of x to autism. I don't really know though. But that's what our past year has looked like. Although I actually do think Tucker is autistic. But well, I'm not sure. Obviously.
Excellent post! Your son and mine sound a lot alike. We had the worst time finding a good school, but we finally lucked out. I, too, find it hard to talk or write about it because I just don't know. He has a diagnosis, but when she handed it to me, she said, "This could change tomorrow. It could change next week or it could never change. Just don't give up and we won't, either." Words to live by and I haven't. I won't. As long as he's happy and healthy, we're fine.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Happy and healthy IS fine. It's so much more than so many have. I remind myself of that all the time too...
Great post, Kristi. I enjoyed reading this!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
thanks, Kate! And thanks for coming here! Jillsmo is AWESOME. You should check out her blog. For real.
Hey Kristi! Feeling like you're in limbo can be really tough, but you have a great attitude. And Jill IS awesome! Just so you know... making eye contact, snuggling, seeking approval, wanting friendships, sleeping through the night and eating everything in sight can all be part of autism too.
2 replies · active 624 weeks ago
Bec, thanks. And I'm learning that autism can look pretty different each time. I guess even now, a year and 1/2 after I started wondering if my son does have autism, that I'm still learning. Learning is good right? Even if it means that I'm clueless now?
Learning (and wanting to learn) isn't just good, it's awesome. My kids are teenagers now and I'm still learning! It never stops because we all keep growing and changing, and there's nothing wrong with not having it all figured out yet. I bet you're miles away from where you were a year ago, and in another year you'll be miles away from where you are now. So whatever you do, don't beat yourself up for not having all the answers today. Because nobody does :)
What Bec said. She's really smart and you should listen to her. My sons make eye contact, seek our approval and cuddle. The older one sleeps through the night, and always has. I wish the younger one did. LORD do I wish the younger one did. I know the limbo is hard, but I am really glad that your son is getting supports he needs without a formal diagnosis, but rather by the symptoms. Even if he had a formal diagnosis, a good program would be set up based on his needs and not by a label anyway, right? Besies, I think we can give out honorary memberships, can't we, Jill?
2 replies · active 624 weeks ago
Yay I want an honorary membership! :D And I will listen to Bec. And all of you. Because you are wise. And cool.
Amanda, don't tell people to listen to me or I'll get drunk with power! Does power give you a hangover? Because I suck at drinking. I'd much rather get fat with power. Mmm, power.
The wonderful part about our community is everyone welcomes you with open arms because we "get it." Diagnosis or not, we get it, and WELCOME! It sounds like you have a very sweet little boy (I do too), so right there we have something in common. :) And, Jill was my first bloggie crush too...*whispers* (I still have a crush on her, but I know she would tell me to shut up, soooo...) I look forward to checking our your blog and hearing more stories!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thank you so much! And yeah she might tell you to shut up but I think she secretly likes it that we ALL have big old fat crushes on her. Or maybe we're just annoying. Either way. I feel welcome!
Awesome post Kristi and congrats on the awesome guest post here!! :)
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Great post, Kristi. You always put your emotions on paper so beautifully. I'm glad you're getting help for your son and that you are getting the support you need. Sometimes we just need to know we are not alone.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thanks Maggie! And you're right. Sometimes we DO just need to know we're not alone. Alone is hard. And lonely.
Hi Jill! Just found you through Kristi's G+ post about this guest post! Glad to be your newest GFC follower :) )

2 replies · active 624 weeks ago
Jill is amazing. Funny. Smart. Cool. Glad you came here.
Hi Paula!! :)
So glad you shared this. I never knew the story of how it all began, so to speak, and I'm really impressed at how you have navigated these waters. "Advanced maternal age" scares the crap out of you. My entire second pregnancy I was sure I was going to have a two headed eel sliding out of my hooha. Anyway, it sounds like you are the perfect mom for Tuck, so just keep doing what you're doing.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
A two-headed eel sliding out of your hooha? HAHAH. Hey! Hahahah goes really well after hooha. :)
Thanks so much for the comment!
I really think I understand what you're feeling. My son has never completely fit in in any diagnosis. One doctor says "high functioning autism", one therapist said "Either Asperger's or severe SPD" and another doctor said she doesn't actually think he's on the spectrum. It's so confusing. Certain quirks seem to fit, others do not. So what I have decided is to not worry too much about labels and just do my best to get him the services he needs. Still, it's hard. And as Bec said, I am learning that so many, many characteristics fall into the autism spectrum, even though the stereotypes tell us something else. Anyway, great post! (And I have a crush on Jill Smo too!)
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I guess we all have a crush on Jillsmo. It must actually bring a lot of pressure to her. Maybe we should lighten up on our crushes? Nah. Fuck that. And thank you SO much for sharing your story and the fact that we are not alone in wondering what's going on and not having a diagnosis. Thank you also for sharing that you've decided to not worry too much about labels. What an important lesson that is. Labels don't matter. What we're doing about what we're dealing with does. So much.
You go girl! Congrats on getting the guest post. But more, thanks for your drawings that make my day. Oh, also thanks for writing out that sound that Boo makes. I can never get it just right. But man, she and Tucker could be twins. Can they, please? Then we could start our own community. One where commando is optional, but holes in our pants and a daily glass of wine are not :)
Love, love, love this post! You are so awesome!!!!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thanks Kerri! And yeah Boo and Tucker can totally be twins. Except...weren't we also arranging a date for when they're older? Which means he can't be Boo's bro...that might get weird. And hellz yes to the new community of commando being optional but holes in our pants and a glass of wine is not!
You are so awesome. You.
Great post, Kristi! You articulate your struggles and triumphs so well. I can't give advice, but I can certainly give encouragement - YOU ROCK!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I need encouragement from typical moms more than you'd think, Dana. It's moms like you that will help moms like me feel like it's okay to accept kid-pizza-party invites when we're reluctant to because it'll be so obvious to everybody that my our kids are not the same as yours. Thanks for coming here and for the comment. You guys all rock.
Great post! You describe the anguish and confusion so well...we were initially given a diagnosis I of PDD-NOS which is that all-encompassing umbrella of "he's delayed globally but we're not ready to label him more specifically." We did what you did and got him the services he needed. When he reached 13 years old, we knew we had to tell him something to better explain his challenges and yet the PDD label didn't fit anymore. After all our research and experience and working with various professionals, we all agreed that he had Aspergers so that's what we told him. The information has been empowering for him...Anyway, this was a wonderful guest post and I think jillsmo is awesome too - congrats!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Emily, thanks. the whole PDD-NOS seems like the catch-all of "we don't know." We don't have that one yet but one of them is coming, because people need a diagnosis. I'm so glad that hearing he has Aspergers was empowering for him! Thanks huge. And yeah, I guess we all agree that Jillsmo is awesome....
We are still trying to figure out what is going on with my son, so don't feel bad. It is so frustrating! He has severe ADD. He also has severe social problems. He simply cannot connect to the rest of the world. He can tell you all about everything ever, but he can't apply things directly to himself. Other children are just things that just annoy him. He does do well with adults though, and he makes eye contact. The idea of high functioning autism has come up more than once. I understand they are trying to take Aspergers out of the spectrum disorders, so at this point I don't know if getting a diagnosis will help him out much.

I worked for three years as a one on one with the most delightful little girl in the whole world. She had a whole host of issues, including issues with speech, communication, hyperactivity, learning delays, etc. They said that she was mentally retarded but I don't think so-I so think that she just couldn't share what was in her head because she couldn't communicate. The only diagnosis I remember them getting was PDD-NOS. Her parents have had her tested for everything under the sun, including Angelmans. They have shelled out so much money for doctor after doctor after doctor, my heart goes out to them.

Great post! Don't give up! XO!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Sadder Wiser friend, I don't really feel bad...it's more that I wish I knew. But like I said, I wish I knew for me. For him? Maybe doesn't matter so much right now. But you're right...it is SO frustrating. SOOO SO SO so frustrating. Thank you so much for sharing the story of your son and also the amazing little girl that you taught. I've never heard of Angelmans. Guess one more thing I need to google. Thanks!
Hello. I know people around me are very concerned to get diagnoses, but I am not - not for my sons and not for me. So my message would be "don't worry". I am a parent and I know that's advice that doesn't help much when it's your own kids. Still, try not to worry too much.

My ex-wife insists I "have Aspberger's". I have never been diagnosed as having any developmental issues. However, I have not formed what would be called typical friendships and/or relationships. So maybe she's right. The truth is, it really doesn't matter. I had parents that cared for me and did their best to teach me about right and wrong and tell me I am a good person. I never felt I was going to fail because I was different. And I certainly felt different from others often enough, but I trusted that the people who knew me best were right. I was "different not defective."

Be sure you tell your son that any diagnoses or special classes or medication or any of a million other things that might come to pass are just because he's special to you and an important part of the world; not because he's "broken" and needs to be "fixed". That's all anyone really needs to succeed in life: to be aware that they are important as an individual and to accept that importance as an obligation to become the best person they can be.
2 replies · active 624 weeks ago
Yes!! Thank you so much for saying that :)
Yes, I promise (!) to NEVER tell my son that anything we do is because he is broken or needs to be fixed. Because he is NOT broken and he does NOT need to be fixed. Thank you for the reminder. I do know, with all of my heart that he is 100% perfect just the way he is. I love him for him and do not want to make him anybody else. I never will. I want him to be him. But I also want him to be able to be happy in a world that might not get him all the time too. That is the only reason I want to find out what he needs. Thank you so VERY much for the reminder and I appreciate you commenting a lot.
I love this post, friend. After I got done laughing hysterically at the "disgusting droopy hound dog" bit, I really appreciated hearing more about how your journey unfolded. I am not in the same position as you, but I have had a variety of strange undiagnosed medical conditions throughout my life, and not having a diagnosis, not knowing, is one of the most challenging things I have ever experienced, and I can only imagine how much harder it is when it comes to your kid. You are so right- there is a lot of relief in just knowing what you are dealing with. This was so great- you are awesome!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Stephanie love, thank you for coming here and commenting. Jillsmo has such an amazing community. I just was so humbled by J Melton's comment. I'd never get that from my blog and I'm so happy that I'm hearing such unique voices here. And sad but the droopy hound dog thing is true. TMI? Nah. There is a huge amount of relief in knowing what we're dealing with. Love.
Me again to Smo and all. Thank you. I've never had "The Community" embrace me the way that you guys have, from this post. Seriously. It sounds cheesy but I promise you that the worst part about not having an official diagnosis is the fact that I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. We go to the playground and it's so obvious that my son is different but I don't feel like I have the right to say "hey! he has autism!" So thank you all so much. Really.
I know it's hard not knowing, somehow putting a name to it helps. But I hope you know how lucky you are with your local Doctors and School system. I, too, knew something was going on. I thought my son might be on the spectrum, in fact I was convinced. But the local school system would not help unless legally required. Local doctors are in it with the school system. I took him back home to Boston for a neuropsych work up. The school system here "chooses not to acknowledge those issues". Yes, they can. NEVER helped him. Everything he's accomplished I've had to handle myself. He's in High School and can't take legible notes. He's in the top 5% of his graduating class. And I've even taught him to read cues and he now gets my sarcastic sense of humor. I hope you know how lucky you are to have the school work with you.
1 reply · active 623 weeks ago
First, congratulations to your son for being in the top 5% of his graduating class! Great job to him and to you for taking charge. That he now gets your sarcastic sense of humor is wonderful. AND...Wow, I actually had no idea that a school system would or could just refuse to help a kid. I really am naive about this. I've heard people talk about the fact that we're lucky to be in the school district that we are but without anything to compare it to, I don't think I really got it. My son's teacher (and another teacher in the non-categorized program) came out before the school year started to evaluate him at home. I sat there with them and said "I really don't think he's autistic." They just nodded and said "Well, let's just try the PAC (preschool autism class) and see. Apparently, an even huger blessing than I'd realized. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Also, we've decided to take him for a neuro psych evaluation as well. This summer, there will be shorter hours each school day and two long breaks. The eval will help us get him placement into different therapy programs like social play. Maybe they'll be able to once and for all tell me whether he is autistic or not. As time goes on, I become more and more convinced that he is. Thanks so much for taking the time - all of you - to comment and encourage and offer experienced advice.

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