I asked on Twitter and my friend Bec (you can also find her at Snagglebox) suggested Yommy Kippurthday, and I thought it was a winner. Second place, however, goes to Dave (who you can also find at The Last You'll See of Me) who suggested "Good luck with the whole Judgment-thing!"
I like that one, though. That's a good one. That's actually something I'm likely to say.
Anyway, this being the Day of Atonement, and me being a Jew... no, I'm not actually atoning... I'm certainly not fasting... I had Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni for dinner.... I see a lot of things on Facebook from my "good Jew" friends.
Things like this, for example:
I'm not much of a fan of things like this in general; I particularly hate inspirational messages that aren't sarcastic, written in some flowery font and pasted on top of a photo of the beach at sunset. GOD I fucking hate those things.
So, I thought I'd make my own. This one's more accurate. For me, anyway. But you're free to borrow it if you want