xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: I have the best friends EVER

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have the best friends EVER

So, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm taking a break from blogging. The specifics aren't really important, but I think a break might be good for me. Hopefully this will result in more awesomeness in the end.

Anyway, recently I told some friends that I would be taking a blogging break, and a good friend of mine (a real life friend. No, really, I have those) said that we should go out and celebrate my almost 2 years of blogging. We did that tonight, and when she picked me up, she presented me with this cake that she had made:

And then she says "you're going to take a picture of this and blog about it, aren't you?"

Oh, hell yes.

Hell yes, my friend.


Comments (26)

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Love the cake and lucky you for having such an awesome friend! you aren't taking too long of a break are you?
Holy crap, you do have the best friends!
My recent post Book Review: Teaching the Dog to Think, by Kimberley Davis
Friends who support your blogging are AWESOME!! (DJ Lance voice)
Congrats to you, my bloggy friend. Here's to many, many, many whew more!!!
My recent post Naps. Meant for Parents.
That is so very cool :)
My recent post Until I can do more of this...
Great cake. Don't leave for too long, k?
My recent post Jelly's Party
Is it me? Oh god, it's me isn't it? Can I haz some cake?
That is the best cake ever! It really is great when IRL friends support your blogging. Enjoy your break though. We all need a break sometimes.
My recent post Kirkland’s Grand Opening – Rossford – Crossroads Centre
Best. Cake. Ever.
My recent post Another Badly Drawn Ryan Gosling
That's super thoughtful, and the picture of you on the cake is uncannily life like.
looks yummy and i am insanely jealous. mostly because i haven't eaten cake in like 6 months..

you smack that friend on the ass and tell her good job! or hug her. Hugging works too.
My recent post A Musing
What an amazing cake! Hope you're not gone for too long!
That is sweet! Yes, that's a true friend! You're very lucky to have her in your life! We all need someone to make cakes for us in life!
My recent post Things I’ll Never Understand
The likeness is uncanny.......
It's a bit of an addiction for me. Great cake and an awesome friend!
This is so fantastic!
My recent post Poolside
Great cake. You're taking a break? Oooh. . . rhyme!
My recent post On the Road
Awesomeness! Have a piece for me. :D
I want a cake like that! Hell, I want a friend like that! I'm taking a break too, I'm beat. - yvonne@attractedtoshinythings
That's fucking rad. I need to know... what's on the inside of JillSmo? Chocolate? Vanilla?

Also, I didn't notice your break because I don't have much time to read blogs these days. But I DO care. Kind of.
My recent post *This Moment*
Awesome cake and friend.
Don't stay away too long, ya hear?!
My recent post Special Olympics, Day Two
Totally agree you are fucking rad, the cake is fucking rad, the blog post if fucking rad.
My recent post Triple Layer Banana-Hazelnut Frangelico Petits Fours
Anyone who is friends with a blogger ought to be prepared for said blogger to blog about EVERYTHING!

Awesome cake!
My recent post Mother's Day blogCard Link-up!
She would have been disappointed if the cake didn't make the blog, I'm sure. My friends ask me that question a lot, acting like they don't want me to draw them in my blog, but I know they secretly enjoy it. (so I tell myself...)
My recent post I Love Lucee!
Oh, I'm going to miss you while you're away, but then, it's not about me, is it? Awesome cake, awesome friend. Maybe we can bribe said friend into making ever more elaborate Jillsmo baked goods so we'd at least get a post every now and again. Happy recharging!!
My recent post Celebrities
What a great pal! I could use some cake right now :)
My recent post Alone On Mother's Day

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