xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Don't blame me, blame the cat parasites!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Don't blame me, blame the cat parasites!

I had some blood work done by my doctor last week. Since my cousin died, I've been paranoid that there's something wrong with me that has just yet to be diagnosed, so I went in there and said "Take ALL THE FLUIDS!" It turns out that she can test me for stuff but it's more likely, given my family history, that I'll be taken down by breast cancer or heart disease, and these things aren't likely to turn up in a regular old "take my fluids" type test, but whatever. I have insurance, let's do it.

Not surprisingly, there is nothing wrong with me. Psychologically, yes, but nothing of importance showed up on the blood work, anyway.

Nothing, except.... I tested very high for having antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, which is a parasite normally found in cats.

"Cats?" you say. "Why would you have a parasite normally found in cats?" "Oh, you must be new here," I answer. Here. Read these:

Apparently up to a third of the population has this parasite, but it mostly just sits there doing nothing (as far as you know) and is only really dangerous to your physical health if you're pregnant or if you have a weakened immune system. You get it from emptying the litter box, or I guess when your cat shoves his asshole in your face for you to closely inspect. You know... like they do.

Artwork by Allie Brosh. OF COURSE.

Typically, the parasite is shit out by the cat and then rodents scavenge around (ew) and pick it up from there. Once inside the mouse, the parasite needs to return to the cat in order to complete its life cycle, so it fucks with the mouse brain and makes it think that the cat isn't really as scary as it actually is. So the dumbass parasite-infected mouse gets closer to the cat, thinking it's his new cat buddy, but man is he wrong, and BOOM! He's cat dinner, and the parasite get to go back home.

And that's how Toxoplasma gondii is supposed to work. But what happens when it gets into the human brain? Well, scientists don't really know, actually, but they have done studies and they've found that "males who had the parasite were more introverted, suspicious, oblivious to other people’s opinions of them, and inclined to disregard rules. Infected women, on the other hand, presented in exactly the opposite way: they were more outgoing, trusting, image-conscious, and rule-abiding than uninfected women." Other studies have shown an increased risk of suicide and, um... neuroticism.

Dude, I've been neurotic my whole fucking life, I don't need a cat parasite to make that happen. In the meantime, however, I've decided to play the "Toxo Card" whenever I can. What's that, kids? Did I forget to make you dinner? Well, it's not my fault; I have cat parasites!!! And oh I'm sorry, officer. Was I dancing in the street, naked, singing Rolling in the Deep at the top of my lungs? That wasn't me singing, that was the Toxoplasma talking! I can't be held responsible for my actions, man, after all.... MOTHERFUCKING CAT PARASITES!

Comments (21)

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Honestly, I don't care of they are real parasites or not, I think that the cat doesn't need to live in a flat. In a ouse with a garden, it's an other thing. This kind of domestication is just caused by some stupid trends.
LMAO.. More asshole inspections :)

Gudrun, I don't know about stupid trends... Cats have been domesticated pets for much longer than the word "trend" would indicate. Cats can be every bit as loyal and loving as dogs. As much as my cats drive me crazy, I love them and am loved by them in ways that words cannot describe. Asshole inspections, aside of course.. Although in cat world, that too is a sign of love and trust. That said, I know cats aren't for everyone and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just as you are entitled to your opinion, we are entitled to ours. Calling pet cats, a stupid trend implies that those who have pet cats are stupid. I don't really relish the idea of being called stupid for my choice of pet.
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
DAMN those Ancient Egyptians and their stupid trends that last for thousands of years!
I feel like one way to limit the possibility that you'll get cat parasites is to not have cats. So that's what I'm doing over at my house.
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
That's probably a better idea
I'm into genealogy. I've found out my 2nd great grandmother died of syphilis in a mental hospital. Someday, YOUR great grandchildren will discover that YOU died of Toxoplasma gondii in a mental hospital! That will make for interesting talk around the family dinner table during holidays...
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
This brings a new meaning to cactus pants.
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago

Shut up. :@
Can you get the parasite by wiping up cat ass matter? I'm afraid I'm doomed.....
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
Oh, yeah. You're totally doomed
Please remind me the next time I am at your house that it is ABSOLUTELY FINE that your cats do not like me. ABSOLUTELY FINE!
1 reply · active 630 weeks ago
Um. I seem to remember one slightly intoxicated person sitting at my kitchen table and petting the big orange one for about, oh... a half hour???
Those parasites look too cool to get rid of. Maybe all your readers should get some. Well, except me because I'm allergic.
Wait. You have the antibodies for the parasite. So doesn't that mean your body killed the parasites? I don't like to think of you having parasites. Parasites can't be good. I mean, they're PARASITES. Like lice. Or tapeworms. Or cooties.
Geeze what a bunch of free loaders you are carrying around! What have they done for YOU lately?
I honestly hate cats not because they have parasites tap because I do not like soft animals, like snakes, lizards. I just like to fish ..
Cat cooties. Great. I have cat cooties.

Wait- this explains everything.
C's older brother died of this at age 4 before they knew about cat litter and pregnant ladies in the late 50s.

It ain't gonna make you crazy. Antibodies are good, fool. And you already crazy, lady. It ain't having cats that makes you crazy. it's the crazy that makes you have cats.

Also, I am certain now that I have typed this that this post about a dead 4 year old is exactly what you need to help you overcome your grief and anxiety and hypochondria.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
God, im an asshole.

I'm usually such a good hypochondriac whisperer.

any way...
Grief gave me lots of hives and asthma attacks.
I'm not a worrier, I move straight past hypochondria and right ipsychosomatic health issues.
I'm very efficient that way.

I hug you and everyone connected to your cousin.
Love to you.

Lots of love.

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