xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Stupid toe

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stupid toe

My toe hurts. I must have kicked a chair or something, I don't actually remember, that kind of things happens to me all the time. I kick chairs. Chairs anger me. No, not really, I'm just klutzy and don't pay attention to, um, most things, so I end up kicking a lot of chairs and couches and desk legs. Well I guess I pissed off the wrong chair because my toe has been really hurting the last week or so. I can move it around okay, but it hurts when I walk on it (so don't walk on it, dummy).

Then earlier I was in the shower and I happen to look down at my feet and they look like this:

Is that toe supposed to be that far over to the left like that? I mean, I'm no doctor, but I'm fairly certain they're all supposed to line up with relative symmetry. At least that's what they're doing on the other foot.

I'm not going to a doctor or anything, fuck it, it's just a toe. But it makes me cranky. So I had hubs tape it to its neighbors. Out of pure spite. Just to piss it off. Now it looks like this:

Now we're both cranky.

Stupid toe.

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OMFG I was ready for bed but saw this and laughed my ass off. Not AT you, mind you, but WITH you, because of the tape drawing. Awesome.

With that said, I DO SO hope your toe feels better. Soon. Seriously. Those drawings kicked some ass. Been there, with the toes. Good call on the home doctoring method.
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2 replies · active 633 weeks ago
Normally it's my left little toe that gets into trouble. I've smashed it open on shopping cars in the summer, stubbed it on furniture, etc.

I'll bet that tape will learn it!
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That's not right Jill, go to a doctor!
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Handflapper's avatar

Handflapper · 633 weeks ago

The baby toe on my right foot has looked like that a lot over the years. I never know how it happens, except that one time i did run barefoot into a chair leg. All the doctor would do is what you had hubs do, so good work!
I'd say that if the OTHER side looked that way, there'd be nothing to worry about, but since the other side looks different, it's worth seeing if you can tape the ouchie one back into submission.
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DUDE. i broke that same toe in '92. dropped a jar of pickles on it. true story.
I wouldn't go to the doctor either unless there's a lot of swelling or something because they'll just charge you to do what your husband did.
My wife & the sharp thingies that stop the wheels under the bed from rolling have never been friends. Since they're metal, they usually win the arguments & she usually ends up crying.
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I'm less concerned with the fact that your toe hurts and more concerned with the fact that it has a face.

Just sayin.
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1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
And it talks!
My dad actually has that. He wears a little piece of foam in-between his toes to keep them apart. Honestly I can't remember if that fixed it or if it's more of a "stick it there when it feels bad" thing. But you might want to get it checked out before it starts affecting your walking.

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First thing that came to mind: New Nicki Minaj song, "You a stupid toe, you a you a you a stupid toe."

Love the drawings. I dropped something heavy on my left big toe and so it leans more to the left than it used to, but luckily it only gets angry when I wear too-tight boots.

I use the same trick as above, the foam - I use a foam cosmetic wedge that fits nicely, it's already fit to size.

Hope yours mends up quickly and chills out :)
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I agree, toes are stupid. I have a hard time respecting anything that doesn't know better to get out of the way of stuff that could hurt them.

Your "HAHA, LOL" happy toe made me laugh, though. Thanks for the LOL.
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1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
A little over a year ago, my toe decided to go numb. Just lying in bed, and all of a sudden - numb toe. Naturally I assumed I had toe cancer and promptly did nothing about it. The other night, the hubs and I are watching t.v. and said toe starts hurting like a mo fo. Now it's back to being numb. I agree, toes are stupid.
Wow,this is my first time,so wow https://www.cosyjewelry.com

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