xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Thinking globally and acting locally for autism acceptance

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thinking globally and acting locally for autism acceptance

This is a half repost, half new post. I've previously said things that I'd like to say again, so I'm not going to rewrite it all. You can find the original one here. 

When Child 1 was first diagnosed, the pediatrician told us, in a nutshell "he has PDD-NOS. It's on the autism spectrum but it isn't autism." As a result, I spent the next 9 months in a complete state of denial. "He's on the autism spectrum but he doesn't have autism," I told myself. This meant that I didn't need to investigate ABA, or any kind of treatment options that the school district wasn't offering me. At my first IEP meeting, I happily accepted everything. I had no idea what I was doing, and after all, these guys are the experts, right? So, great! This nonverbal 3 year old, who is still in diapers, should attend a special day pre-school for 3 hours a day, and that's all. What the hell did I know? I thought I did good for him.

It was only just after he turned 3, and started scripting, that my denial was shattered. He was obviously autistic, and I needed to get off my ass and figure out a way to help him. So, I hit the "books" (internet), and found him a program. I found myself an advocate and I convinced the district to make it all happen. We started our home program when he was 3 3/4 and there were immediate results. Things got better.

Today he's 11 and he's awesome. Totally verbal, super smart, (almost) always happy, and the sweetest, kindest, gentlest person you could ever meet. Every teacher or tutor I've ever had has told me "I wish all my students were like him." He's a joy to work with and to be around, and I can't take credit for all of that, it's just his nature; it's how he was born.

I know that my experience with autism has been much easier than that of some of my friends' experiences. He has no behavioral issues, he has no meltdowns, at this point he has very few sensory issues; he's actually much easier to parent than his typical brother. I also know that I am lucky that this is my experience. I am very much aware that many, many other parents have not had it this easy, and never for a second do I take this for granted. I consider it, now, my personal responsibility to give back to the autism community as much as I possibly can. So that my experience can help others; so that other parents won't feel so alone.

Here in cyberspace, however, there’s a war going on. It’s about autism parents vs. autistics, and ironically I’ve seen some of the worst, most patronizing behavior coming from my fellow autism parents on behalf of autistic people. I’m not interested in participating in a political war, though; politics frustrate and anger me. I can’t even watch the news without getting pissed and I certainly have no desire to fight a cyber war that has no end in sight. My instincts in all of these cases tell me to find a middle ground, but that’s never going to happen if I’m the only one who thinks that, so in general I try to stay out of it.

But when I see my friends being attacked, I will come to their defense. I am not ashamed to say that I am fiercely loyal, and I will jump into the middle of something that doesn't involve me in order to defend a friend under attack. My tools are sarcasm and brutal honesty, and I'm not afraid to use them. You see, I don't care who you are, how important you see yourself to be, or how many followers you have; if you're acting like a bully, I'm going to tell you you're acting like a bully. Some might say the same about me, and I will accept that if I think it is warranted, because I take responsibility for my actions, at all times. I will apologize if necessary but I will also refuse to apologize, if necessary.

In the "real" world, however, my job is not to “fight,” but to support. This morning I spent an hour on the phone with a parent in our district, helping her to navigate the system and find the best services for her daughter who is autistic. Yesterday I met with another parent and did the same. I have three emails in my personal inbox right now from parents in similar situations. This is how I act on behalf of the autism community: helping parents. Helping them find support, for themselves and for their kids. The online dialogue is too much for me to take on, I'm just one person, and so this is the route I have chosen to try to make the world a better place for my son and for autistic people everywhere: one kid at a time.

I try to do the same on my blog, on Twitter and on Facebook. Here are some things I've written that I am particularly proud of that may be helpful if you are a parent trying to find services for your child:

As always, you can contact me at jillsmo at gmail.com if you have any questions or if there's anything you think I might be able to help you with.

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I am with you Jill. There is no end in sight in these pathetic cyber wars regarding autism, but there is also no end in sight in the need for continued support for those affected by autism. And you, darling, are making real, tangible changes by addressing this need hands on and providing parents with priceless tools, information, and a friend they can talk to when things get overwhelming.

There is a real world out there that needs people like you and I for one am so glad you're in it, making it a better place for so many others.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Thank you Jo :) <3
I heart you for this JIll, I really do. There is no end in sight to the pointless argument on-line. It won't end and unfortunately those who are perpetuating it have lost touch with those that matter most. The very people they are trying to impress their views upon.

I do what I can, here at home, in my community and with my friends and family. That is where it matters most. Actions, not words make the difference.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
You're totally right
I felt depleted and weary reading a recent thread where the implication was as a mother of an autistic child you are about as knowledgeable about autism as a shoe. And in my own, probably snarly way, I thought, I hope my son does not grow up to be like this. I hope he doesn't see his autism as a right to be small minded, nasty, petty and cruel. I hope he will realise he doesn't know everything about everything.
And yeah, I have the right to speak on his behalf and I bloody well will until he's old enough to do it himself.
2 replies · active 632 weeks ago
A shoe, huh? Nice :(
I was befuddled for a metaphor.
All you can do is keep contributing in your community as you have, because it doesn't look like anything will change in the online world. It's really sad. I think parents really want to work together, but it's hard when their experience continues to be invalidated. But you have a strong voice, so don't think for a second that it doesn't have an effect.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
It is really sad, to come right up against a brick wall whenever you try. It just makes people not try, which does nothing to further the discourse.
This is where I see my role as well. I can't get into the us versus them wars (unless a friend is personally attacked and then, like you, I have to step in) but I can help a parent navigate the system and reassure them that things will be okay. By doing that, I am helping the whole family - child too. I too spent an hour on the phone last night with a mom, overwhelmed by her first IEP experience. I talked her down from her ledge of stress. And that is what we do. The infighting doesn't make the stress of the doctor appointments or IEP meetings go away...the shoulder to lean on (and cry on) does. Thank you Jill for putting yourself out there as a place of support.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Thank you :)
Thank you my friend :) <3
ShesAlwaysWrite's avatar

ShesAlwaysWrite · 632 weeks ago

Beautifully put. I know that I find myself completely overwhelmed and disheartened by the bickering within the community, so for my sanity I block it out. I find it much more rewarding to do what you're doing - helping people nearby, one at a time. Because I know I can't change anything in the bigger argument, but by sharing my time and experience I might be able to change something for one family.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
You have to block it out, there's too much cognitive dissonance, one brain can't take all of that.
Exactly. If we aren't making changes in our immediate communities, then what good are we really doing? I too am always happy to share with parents and professionals alike in my local community about what resources are still active, which ones are not, and which ones appear helpful on paper, but really aren't when you contact them. If that information helps one other family, then it's doing some good at least.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
You're awesome <3
i don't know - for a long time, i lived in a little bubble... my bubble. it was one where everyone fought for the same things... awareness, understanding, acceptance. they fought for the rights of their child(ren), for better ieps, better accommodations. i know personally, i fought just to find out *more* information on girls and autism, autism and adolescence - since there was so little out there (and still is). i started writing about my own experiences. i started reading blogs of other parents... 'trying on' organizations to see what fit, what didn't.

suddenly, my *bubble* burst. things weren't quite as copacetic as i originally thought they were in the autism community.

all i know, is this is a conversation that can't be led by one voice - but must be led by many... children are that. children. who will speak for them, if not their parents? each individual as a right to speak, and a right to be heard... NT, allistic, autistic. we need to support each other.

i truly appreciate all the varying opinions i have read recently, yet sometimes i wonder, as i feel myself losing focus. on my goal to help... is it time to recreate that bubble?
3 replies · active 632 weeks ago
"this is a conversation that can't be led by one voice - but must be led by many" I agree with you 100% Everybody has the right to their voice, their experiences and their feelings. And more than that, they deserve to be treated with respect, even if their opinion is different from somebody else's.
yes, YES...100%! respect is key to every conversation! thank you!
<3 you jlbunt :)
I try so hard to be like Switzerland because I "get it" on both sides. But, at the same time, my first responsibility is to my child; I need to make sure he has the supports he needs to become as independent as possible and to learn how to compensate if he canoot be as independent as we would like. That's my job regardless of whether he has autism or any other issues (which he does). The rubber meets the road and change happens in our communities, our families first. Like it or not, I may have thoughts, experiences and opinions which might differ from others. My job is to keep working to help my son whether someone likes my approach or not. Children don't suddenly grow up to be slef-advocates unless we teach them or unless we force them by unspeakable circumstance. The path I choose is teaching. Those who experienced the unspeakable? I hurt for you, but I will not let you tar me with the same brush as your bad parents.
2 replies · active 632 weeks ago
Totally agree <3
'my first responsibility is to my child... My job is to keep working to help my son whether someone likes my approach or not'.

thank you for this - i try so hard to see all viewpoints... to 'walk the line' . but yes, my daughter is first and foremost, who i must advocate for.
All of the people here commenting are all the people you'd expect and none that you wouldn't. The "discussion" seems like something that can't happen. Or maybe it can, but it won't. I think I've decided to just write my blog about my kid...and acknowledge that I don't know shit about autism, but I know SOME stuff about parenting. And I just happen to be doing it with an autistic kid. How could I POSSIBLY go astray from there?

it seems like the last five weeks or so has been one long solid fight with one or two names CONSTANTLY in the mix. And I think you just start to take down the names and say okay, if person A or B or C or D are in the discussion...there IS no discussion. There is only lecture and condescension. I don't want either of those.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
You are so right, in a number of ways.

I like to say that I am not an autism expert, I am a Child 1 expert. This is my experience and I'm happy to share it with anybody who asks but I am just one voice in the mix. It takes all of our voices to make a community.

And the second part: I agree with that so much. I like to find Persons E through Z and have the discussion with them. I think I'm probably up to about K
I love you. You have a huge heart behind all that snark. I love your kindness and compassion. And you are fearless. Nice post, my friend.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Thank you, my friend :) <3
I relate to this in so many ways. I have a couple of half written posts in my head. They may be in a different voice and present things in a different way, but they come from the same place. And are motivated (if I ever get them written) by a lot of the same mess. How can i make the best difference? for me, being the best parent I can be. Being a good friend and support to those who need me. Think globally, act locally... Definitely true for me.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
I totally know how that is, the "if I ever get them written." I have at least 30 unfinished posts in my drafts folder.
PERFECT. I agree with this wholeheartedly.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Thank you :)
Nice post! I had it pretty easy with my son as far as meltdowns and sensory issues. My son has Asperger's. School was a nightmare though. I'm glad to not be part of the online war. I had enough of that in real life in the past! Some people are just miserable no matter what. Moving on to better things now.
I like you, Jill. You are brave and strong. And you are putting good into the world. As with anyone I know, I am not always in a hundred percent agreement with you, but I respect you terrifically for your passion, your humor, and your intent.
5 replies · active 632 weeks ago

Are you seriously telling me you're not 100% in lock step agreement with every single word that comes from my fingers???

GET OFF MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW. I think we have to hate each other now.
I could never hate you. Ever.

Unless eggs are involved....
I'm so in my own little world. And it's probably because of this sort of thing. Any time I've waded into the autism waters, it's been so twisty turny angry confusy that I pretty much just put my head down and walked out of the party (did you like that mixing of metaphors? That was nice, wasn't it).

Like a few other people said, we just focused on parenting our kid, and it worked out. I really feel like I should share our story with people because it DID work out, but at the same time, I guess I'm afraid of getting into the mess that's clearly out there. So I just wait for people to find me.

You're totally awesome, btw. I love that you're helping people one-on-one. I'm sure they appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Serious karmic build-up. ;)
Thinking global and acting local is the only sustainable way of living, even when it is about autism...
As an autistic parent to an autistic adult child, I see things from a bit broader perspective. I see parents very wrapped up in their world and their children. (where they should be actually and is good) I see autistic people wrapped up in the civil rights movement a lot more. They are more looking out for this global community than the parents can possibly do. This is where the division begins and then it all breaks down as the communication skills are not so good between the two cultures. On my pave, I will typically stay out of the mud slinging and really step into the parent perspective while staying aware of and supporting the real issues that are in the global autism community (like the fact that parents have the strongest voice and all the discourse is still about children) I just wrapped up my meeting where a bunch of us autistic adults mentor autistic teen kids and these issues are real for these teens.

Net is I agree that we must be and think global. Being expert in Child 1 is commendable but not global.
1 reply · active 631 weeks ago
I disagree (with your last sentence only). I think that we are all human beings, with limited time, limited emotional and mental capacities, and we choose our paths based on what we know we are capable of. We make the change we can based on that, even if that change is small and personal, it doesn't mean that ultimately it will not, by definition, have some kind of global impact. I don't presume to believe that I can change the whole world, but I can make the changes I can and I believe that will have an impact. And if you'll see, my point was not that being a Child 1 expert is what makes for change, it's how I use that "expertise" to help and support others that does.

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