It was only just after he turned 3, and started scripting, that my denial was shattered. He was obviously autistic, and I needed to get off my ass and figure out a way to help him. So, I hit the "books" (internet), and found him a program. I found myself an advocate and I convinced the district to make it all happen. We started our home program when he was 3 3/4 and there were immediate results. Things got better.
Today he's 10 and he's awesome. Totally verbal, super smart, (almost) always happy, and the sweetest, kindest, gentlest person you could ever meet. Every teacher or tutor I've ever had has told me "I wish all my students were like him." He's a joy to work with and to be around, and I can't take credit for all of that, it's just his nature; it's how he was born.
I know that my experience with autism has been much easier than that of some of my friends' experiences. He has no behavioral issues, he has no meltdowns, at this point he has very few sensory issues; he's actually much easier to parent than his typical brother. I also know that I am lucky that this is my experience. I am very much aware that many, many other parents have not had it this easy, and never for a second do I take this for granted. I consider it, now, my personal responsibility to give back to the autism community as much as I possibly can. So that my experience can help others; so that other parents won't feel so alone. I do this online as well as in "real" life, where I help parents in our district navigate the system and get services for their kids.
Here in cyberspace, however, there’s a war going on. It’s about autism parents vs. autistics, and ironically I’ve seen some of the worst, most patronizing behavior coming from my fellow autism parents on behalf of autistic people. I’m not interested in participating in a political war, though; politics frustrate and anger me. I can’t even watch the news without getting pissed and I certainly have no desire to fight a cyber war that has no end in sight. My instincts in all of these cases tell me to find a middle ground, but that’s never going to happen if I’m the only one who thinks that.
My friend Elise who blogs at Raising Asperger's Kids recently wrote "one thing I do notice in the autism community is that someone somewhere decided who the leaders are and who they are not." I know who the leaders are, and I am not one of them; the “leaders” have shunned me. I'm not politically correct enough, maybe? I'm too honest about facts and feelings? That makes sense; people don't like to hear the truth all the time, it makes it harder to maintain a morally superior distance from the rest of us. I don't even want to be a leader, although I have tried. I tried to help, I tried to create a dialogue, and it was an utter failure, but you know what? That’s okay; I'm okay with that, because it turns out that I don't have the energy or the interest to constantly argue about something, knowing that I can never win.
This war will not be ended by people talking about each other and not to each other. Long, well written blog posts which appeal to that particular readership are all well and good but unless these two different sides start talking to each other, this shit will never end. And I tell you now that I'm not interested in talking about this unless I'm talking to somebody, so unless somebody wants to directly engage me in a dialogue, you will not be hearing from me about this issue again.
My job here is not to “fight,” but to support. I want to reach out to as many autism parents as I can and say: you're allowed to grieve, you're allowed to be angry, you're allowed to have feelings, you're allowed to say "this sucks." Because I will try to help get you through this. And I will give you as much free advice about navigating the school district as I possibly can. And I will give you a place to speak about how you're feeling, free from judgment, free from criticism, free from the "thought police" which tell you that your feelings are bad and you should feel bad. Life is messy, it can be ugly and mean, and to be told that you must consciously repress your feelings about it is just wrong.
In conclusion, I'm going to quote my very good friend, Dawn, who sums it up perfectly:
In a world in which we are facing constant judgment from Neurotypical parents, to hear we are now facing it from our own community as well is exhausting.... I'm tired of being told i am a crappy parent because my child doesn't "behave" as others think he should, and i'm tired of being told i am abusive and a crappy parent if i don't say the right words.... honestly--i'm done with this discourse. Imma worry about my small family group and the health and well-being of my own kid. I no longer have the desire to be held accountable for the crappy parents other people have had. I am not perfect. and while i hold my son and myself to difficult standards of excellence, i do not expect perfection. And i'm not going to argue with someone if i fall short of perfect-- as humans are wont to do.I've got your back, Dawn, and I know you've got mine. We're in this together, after all. I wish other people would realize that, too.
Edit: I'd like to add that if anybody has a problem with anything I've said, please tell me. Let's talk to each other, not about each other. If you don't want to put it in the comments, you can email me at jillsmo at
Kelly Hafer · 661 weeks ago
My recent post
LIzbeth · 661 weeks ago
As was stated above, I am not a chosen leader as well and thus have been on the outside. I could write something and it would be single handedly dismissed
And honestly? It's just as well. I'm tired of hearing us fight on the same things. Time to move on and support those who are out here for the same reasons I am---to help others like me and to make this a better place for all of us. One blog at a time.
My recent post Who knew the pool pop machine could be so interesting?
thissideoftypical 57p · 661 weeks ago
phenomenal ass kicker.
My recent post Flashback Friday: Yesterday
Tins · 661 weeks ago
My recent post The A-List: Summer Reading, Part Two
Dixie Redmond · 661 weeks ago
Jill, you have some deep truths there. And I didn't see one F bomb. Unless it's hidden like Where's Waldo....I originally started reading online blogs because I need support and ideas for transitioning from school for my son. I am trying to be open minded and consider viewpoints and change behaviors of mine that hurt others. BUT I will not be controlled, it is my choice. I guess I better make reservations for that desert island getaway. ;-)
My recent post Mastering a New Skill
Kellie · 661 weeks ago
@chemgirljaime · 661 weeks ago
akbutler 65p · 661 weeks ago
Jennifer Sheridan · 661 weeks ago
wantapeanutblog 70p · 661 weeks ago
I hope you know how you've supported so many of us!
My recent post A Little Luxury
Marianna Annadanna · 661 weeks ago
I was with a friend a couple weeks ago walking her baby in a stroller. A lady stopped us to point out that the baby's leg was in the sun. To which I replied "Yes, she needs a tan. She has a show tomorrow."
My recent post My Jesus Bird Cherry
BabyWeightMyFatAss · 661 weeks ago
My recent post Oh I'm Sorry
chocolatewasteland 50p · 661 weeks ago
@74kev · 661 weeks ago
Laura@Catharsis · 661 weeks ago
My recent post Take a BonBon Break
erinclot 73p · 661 weeks ago
jimreeve 22p · 661 weeks ago
My recent post SUMMER TRIP # 1
solodialogue 73p · 661 weeks ago
On the other hand, there are adults with autism who blog and connection with certain groups that give off an air of "moral superiority." Are they really the voice of adults with autism? Or are they an isolated lot who squeak the wheel - loudly - and create the illusion that their influence is greater than it is? Because the autistic adults that I know, irl, are nothing like these on-line personas who squeak that wheel.
I'm not saying that those who make the most noise don't have some valid things to say. I think they do. I think they are a good "book marker" of sorts. Some of their points hit home with me and teach me to be more cognizant. That's okay as long as I know not to get caught up in the "rhetoric". For me, the goal is not to "win" with these people but just to come to some kind of peace with myself about what they mean in the scheme of things to me. And I think that's what you are doing here.
I think you've now placed them exactly where they should be for you based on what you say in this post.
You are a leader. You are a kind, funny, witty, loving mother with a genuinely pure heart full of snarky honest. You are not, in any way, giving up on those you cannot change. You are putting them in context in the book that is your life. No one can argue that. xo
My recent post The Message in the Tree.
Nikki · 661 weeks ago
Dixie Redmond · 661 weeks ago
If only I used all this mental energy for good for my own family. ;-) . Hey, what a good idea!
My recent post Mastering a New Skill
Kim · 661 weeks ago
Advocate the hell out of this for your kid. Agree to disagree with the rest.
Then have a nice cup of tea and gird your loins for the current day's battle.
Or don't do any of it, after all, it's just my opinion.
Jillsmo, keep on doin' what you're doing - you rock. The naysayers don't matter.
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@th_purpl_lady · 661 weeks ago
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blogginglily 73p · 661 weeks ago
I'm just trying to be a good dad to both my girls. I'm not an activist. I'm not an ally. I'm not an advocate. Where I feel I can "help". . . I will. Where I can learn about how the "other half lives" I want to, but I have enough shit on my plate without tippy toe-ing over the broken glass of hurt feelings in either the autistic self-advocate OR the autism parent communities.
Don't trust autism parents? Think we're going to murder our autistic kids? There's not even a response I can utter that will alter that. Those sorts of statements practically demand and answer, but there is NO answer that will help. Literally any "defense" is offensive. But that's just a faction within the many many factions you have to learn to diplomatically address if you really want to participate in that dialogue.
I don't.
I'm just going to do my level best to be a good dad to both my girls, to give them love and understanding and guidance when they're little and to attempt to give them space and acceptance when they're learning to branch out.
I don't have time for dialogues. People just need to be universally more respectful of each other REGARDLESS of whether they're coming from a "position of power" or not.
My recent post Brave
Kellie · 661 weeks ago
Flannery · 661 weeks ago
My focus is on raising my son to the best of my ability, helping him as much as possible, and trying to maintain my sanity. Sometimes maintaining my sanity means grumbling on my blog and commiserating with others.
I'm at war with no one.
My recent post Safety and Special Needs Series, Post #2
Boo's mom · 661 weeks ago
The truth is we don't have to agree (how boring would that be!). But we do have to be respectful of one another's opinion, belief and above all experience.
My recent post The perfect day
Forgotten · 661 weeks ago
I'm also one of those people with emotions who cares about anything and everything and I could probably do with a healthy dose of IDGAF, if you get me. You're preaching my kinda sermon, Jill. I've even posted about it myself.
I want everyone to put on their big girl panties/big boy underwear and talk all this out. I think the problem is that we all want what's "best" for our kids/ourselves/our relatives/our friends, etc., that we forget that "best" is different for everyone. We are individuals and until we can all learn to respect the individual, there is going to be a divide in the community. It all comes down to respect and it's missing in a lot of places. Let's bring it back. :)
My recent post One year ago today...
lucyball15 19p · 661 weeks ago
My recent post Smoking Pot Causes Holes In Your Aura
Lisa · 661 weeks ago
Nicole · 661 weeks ago
Dan · 661 weeks ago
Dani G · 661 weeks ago
Dawn's right. It's bullshit that there's this civil war going on. We parents face enough shit every day from the world around us. Enough is enough.
Can't we all just get along? (I was 14 in 1992 when the great, late Rodney King uttered those words, riots broke out and school was cancelled for about a week in L.A.)
Shirley · 661 weeks ago
Patty · 660 weeks ago
I have learned a great deal from adult self-advocates, but wow, am I tired of being accused of being prejudiced and evil just because I want to help my kid. I'm trying to watch my language, but I feel so marginalized. And I like what Jim said, I just don't have time for this crap. Thanks for creating a safe spot where there is no judgement. I appreciate that!
My recent post Manning Up
wifeontheverge · 660 weeks ago
My recent post when i was 17...
Caroline Browne · 660 weeks ago
biohamster007 1p · 634 weeks ago
Something about parenting seems to bring out judgmental tendencies in others. You're right in that we're all human. No one will achieve perfection no matter how much we strive for it. All we can do is what seems right and feels right for our families and children at the moment...just like families with only NT children have to do. We do the best we can for our children, and I rest easy in the knowledge that every decision I make has been made with love for my son and in the spirit of doing what is best for him, regardless of what anyone else might say or think. I love who he is, and that's the best I can do.
And I'm not one of the leaders, either. Being in charge is overrated... :)
My recent post Different
Mary Barnmaven Peret · 634 weeks ago
You are steering the mothership and I am along for the ride.
My recent post If wishes were fishes
debsmith87928820 1p · 634 weeks ago
Lisa · 634 weeks ago