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I would make this my new logo except I stole the troll face from reddit which was originated at 4chan |
You know, that "click on this innocent looking link" thing. It totally worked, though, I went from #8 to #6. I'm probably going to start doing that every once in a while but I figure I'll have to switch things up to keep you surprised. Because, who am I kidding, I am incapable of not obsessing about things. Hubs and I were talking about this the other day and I insisted "I no longer care about my TMB ranking, remember?" and he said "yeah, so, how's that going for you?" Snarky fucker. He's right, though, just because I claim that I will no longer be obsessive doesn't mean it will actually happen.
Last night hubs and I went out to karaoke in the city; a hip new place we'd never been to before! We were, by far, the oldest, fattest people in the place. It did a number on my self esteem and today I'm feeling like a big neurotic mess. A BIG. NEUROTIC. FUCKING. MESS. I only did one song (below; sorry about the ad, I couldn't find a better version) and I think it went pretty well, but still. Ugh. So now I'm craving validation. Anybody feel like feeding my ego? It sure could use it right about now. Even if you don't really like me, maybe just pretend you do. Or even if you actually hate my fucking guts, maybe you could make a point to tell me that you don't. I will accept comments, emails, text messages, Facebook messages, @messages on Twitter, phone calls, faxes, carrier pigeons or anything else you can think of.
EDIT: Check out the troll face Big Daddy made for me! It's so much a more accurate depiction of what I really look (and feel) like. THANKS!
Love her. You're not too bad either. And you better not delete this post. We already know you're neurotic. Dumbass.
Upvote for the trollface.
You don't look too bad in the video. Oh. Wait. That's not you, is it?
I'll work on a non-copyright infringing troll head for you.
I so scared I'm gonna say the wrong thing here, 'cuz ya know, I've got that Asperger's thing happening and well, shit, you just never know how a so-called neurotypical is going to handle a fucking thing I say, but I really feel the need to reach out, and I mean this from the heart when I say...
Jillsmo, just because you're old and fat doesn't mean you're not loveable!! You *are* loveable!! I think you're swell!!
Butterflies and unicorns,
Thanks, Rachel. You did not say the wrong thing!
I have onIy been reading your blog for a short time, and we obviously don't know each other, so I don't know that this will help, but it is the truth: after our kid got his diagnosis, and everything was official, I felt like no other parent on earth could understand what it's like to parent a kid with autism. The parents I met at the "support group" were just douche bags. However, finding your blog, Big Daddy, Autism Army and the Bad Words blog made me feel like I have compatriots in this battle. You guys are like me! You swear, mess up sometimes, love the hell out of your kids, and I aspire to be the kind of mom (and dad) that you guys are,
So thanks for making me feel good every time i read your fuckin' blog. :)
That Kelly girl has some pretty good taste.
Love the new Troll. If I must say so myself. I must.
I know! I like this Kelly person. Thanks Kelly! :)
Lol - my pleasure! :)
Once I figured out it was okay to vote daily....I've been doing so.
lol Kelly is awesome!
Anyways Jill I miss you on twitter we need to do another drunk bitchfest where Jessica comes up with wonderful words like Autismtastic
Hmmm...let me see...ah yes... here it is...an email from Jill saying that she would no longer ber "whoring for votes" from TMB. How's that working out for ya?
Kelly is the best...is she the one that I'm supposed to be making feel better? Cuz that will be easy. She is awesome.
that was a good one. Thanks Tina (((((YOU))))))
You took care of me when I REALLY fucking needed it. You'll never EVER know how much that meant to me. I personally cannot imagine you ever sucking at anything in life EVER.
In my book you're a fucking rock star. Period.
And, because I'm an Aspie, I'm gonna say I absolutely do NOT like any of the troll pics of you. Not at ALL accurate, and too much jumble IMO..but that's just me. and we already know I'm not quite right.
You ROCK Jill. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you.
Oh! And Kelly is awesome, and I don't even know her. :-)
Another good one. I should screw all self respect and do this whoring for validation thing more often. Thanks ((((Laura))))) But, don't worry, you'll never grow up so there's no need to worry about it.
Feeling pretty bad because the new awesome girl Kelly doesn't even know who I am. And she's commenting all over Jill's blog, so clearly we know that Jill rocks.
The rest of us only aspire to your troll-like greatness. Seriously.
I love that song and I bet you rocked it. Quit being all modest. Oh, and I still need to go put up that Craptastic pic. LOL
You rock girl!
ok- I'm a complete stranger who has stalked your blog(and some others) for the past month. I procrastinate doing work reports by f'in around on facebook, mamapedia, and recently- randomly looking at blogs. I found the Worst Moms Blog and clicked on from there (actually my story is the one up now on their blog hee hee). My fav's are blogs of honest and humorous moms- and i love your blog!! I do not have a child with Autism, I do however love working with kids with Autism (I'm an infant toddler speech path) (NOT SAYIN THAT IS THE SAME THING AT ALL!!! just sayin I get the humor in some of the things you write) and I think you are too cool for school! And, I totally identify with your self esteem issues- I'm dealing with the similar feelings myself- I'm 33, the fattest I've ever been, and I work full time and take care of all the after school stuff with the kids- and guess what: I'm NOT good at it! I friggin SUCK at housework and the whole "balancing" thing- my house is messy and dirty all the time- my kids forgot what it feels like to have clothes in their drawers and not on the living room floor- where it's a crapshoot if it will be clean or dirty- so just wear it. sorry- i just had coffee so I rambled!
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