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"Charlie is the captain of fur!" |
Example 1: The horn on my car is broken. It used to make this mighty HOOOOOOOOOOOONK when I pushed it, but now it’s just a lame little “blup.” It’s really sad. This morning I was taking the boys to school and when I lock my car with my key chain dealie, it honks the horn to let me know it worked. So, it went “blup” (sad face ☹) and I said “oh, man, that’s pathetic.” Naturally Child 2 asks “what does pathetic mean?” because this kid is incapable of hearing anybody say anything without asking a question about it. I would find it annoying if he wasn’t so goddamn adorable. Also: I find it annoying. So, I explain what pathetic means and I show him what a “pathetic” face looks like. Then he wants to know what the opposite of pathetic means, and we make some “opposite of pathetic” faces. Then, we’re going into the school and he says “I just farted into the bottom of my backpack! THAT’S the opposite of pathetic! OOHHHHH YEEAAHHHHHHHH!”
Example 2: He has this crazy co-dependent relationship with one of our cats; he’s always chasing her around the house with a shoe or a piece of paper or a blanket or something, but for some reason she’s always coming back for more. I guess she needs to be abused, and he really needs to abuse her. Sometimes, though, she fights back, using the only tools she has: her claws. The other day the usual was happening and she scratched him. Then he looks at me, arms and hands out to the side in horror, and he says “and now she scratches me!” I swear to god, it was like fucking George Costanza (I tried to find a video of George doing that hands to the sides/in the air thing but I couldn't find one. Hopefully you just know what I'm talking about) and I started laughing my ass off. This was not the correct thing to do at that particular moment, I can assure you, because he got very mad at me. He started crying and screaming and wailing and hitting, and, I’m so sorry, but I shit you not, I still couldn’t stop laughing. It. Was. So. Funny. I tried to explain, between hiccups of laughter, that I wasn’t laughing AT him, I was laughing because he was awesome. He totally didn’t buy it, of course. I had to put my hand over my mouth while he inspected my face to make sure I was no longer laughing before he forgave me. Good thing he’s only 5 because he bought that. Phew.
I've learned my lesson, though, and I've started preparing myself now that I know the repercussions of my laughter. So, just now, when he got scratched for putting his toy cars on the cat's head, and he said "I hate that cat! The next time you see her, tell her I hate her!" I did not laugh. Not once. Not once that he saw, anyway.
UPDATE: He just overhead me telling hubs that my method for getting to #9 at Top Mommy Blogs is called "Blog Whoring." Shit.
Oh man, how lucky can you get, living with a mini-George Costanza.
Ah that's hilarious!!! XXX
I love the opposite of pathetic. That IS awesome. And the Captain of Fur. LMAO
Farting in the backpack cracked me up!
(Erupting in laughter) Your kid is freakin' hilarious. Love it!
Awesome kid!!!! Love it
My wife gets to live with a full size George Costanza.
Two Related Thoughts:
Just out of curiosity, how does one fart into the bottom of a backpack?
You mentioned other people trust you with their kids.
AWESOME! You need to get that on youtube! Child 2 should sooo go viral, he'd be a sensation!
Agree with Pie Maker, he would trash the Charlie bit me stats!!
What IS blog whoring? Should I ask him or you? :D
Oh man, I kind of really want to hang out with that 5 year old.
Totally funny stuff! I really did laugh out loud at the farting in the backpack. And I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with the mini Costanza.
Cool stuff.
I'm so glad somebody knows what I mean! I'm worried everybody is too young to have even seen it
This is the stuff you have to document! He's priceless!! Can you imagine what he's going to be like when he's older!!!?
It sounds like it's now time to get the reality television show cameras to your house. Awesome!
ok, I totally suck as a parent, I should have a sucky parent blog. Because i was faced with the same question and I replied with the break down of the word pathetic, which comes from the Greek "Pathos"...and blah, blah, blah, they still don't know what pathetic means.
*singing* awesome! On a similar note, our Ben has been walking around the house repeating a Louis CK bit that the old man and i have been repeating a tad too much, i guess. Seriously--how do you not laugh at that? (i'd share--but it's involved, and, well, just Louis CK enough to be offensive to your readers if you don't "get" him)
I post Louis CK stuff occasionally. And I'm not really sure there's anything that could be offensive to my readers.
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