xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: The Stop Singing Alarm

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Stop Singing Alarm

I originally posted this more than a year ago, but it got no love. NONE! So, I thought I'd give it another try....

Child 1 doesn't like it when anybody sings in the car (this is a big bummer for me, since I do a lot of my singing in the car, but that's for another post). This afternoon, Child 2 decided to start singing Old McDonald, which prompted the invention of the STOP SINGING ALARM, which is just him yelling really loudly. The instructions, to his brother, were: "when you hear the stop singing alarm... STOP SINGING." So, this was the scene in the car today:

Old McDonald had a f-


- i, e i o. And on thi-


- he had a chick-


-bok bok here and a bok -


and then after a few minutes, Child 2 just started messing with Child 1 (because he's MY boy, and he does that. *sniff* so proud) so it changed to the following:

bok bok here and a bok bok there (quietly)


bok bok here and a bok bok there


bok bok here and a bok bok there


bok bok here and a bok bok there



Kids are such fun.