xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Dear Moby, aka @thelittleidiot

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dear Moby, aka @thelittleidiot


I never liked your music; it always kind of got on my nerves more than anything else. That's not what's inspiring me to write to you today but I thought I should mention it, in the interest of full disclosure.

Earlier today I stumbled across a post on my friend Kelly's blog, Unplanned Trip to Holland, which quotes you in a New York Times article, as follows:
Moby: No. I just like to pretend I do. It makes me sound more interesting.
I realize this article is more than a year old, so probably others have already taken you to task for this, but now it's my turn. Asperger's is a high functioning form of autism, Moby, and my son has high functioning autism. Actual autism, I mean; it's not a lie that we tell people to make him seem more interesting, he's got the real thing.

He has no friends; not even one. At school other kids make fun of him because he's different. When he is home he spends most of his time alone in his room. When you ask him a question, about 50% of the time you'll get an answer that's something like "9 car Richmond train now approaching platform 2." When he gets upset, he is unable to tell us what is wrong, because his brain isn't capable of taking the thoughts from his head and putting them into words. Most of the time we have no idea why he's crying, we just have to hold him and hope that helps.

I lie awake nights worrying about his future. I'm terrified that he might not be able to live independently as an adult. I'm terrified that he'll spend his life being unable to express himself. I'm terrified that he won't be happy.

My son is 9, Moby, he's got a lot of years ahead of him. I don't know how old you are, but I can say with complete certainty that in your wildest dreams you will never be as interesting as he is. So, you can continue on with your life, making shitty, pretentious music, telling yourself that people think you're interesting because of this lie that you tell them, but the truth is that when you say you have autism and you don't? That doesn't make you interesting. That makes you an asshole.

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I cannot even believe that someone would be so idiotic as to actually SAY THAT OUT LOUD! What a freaking jackass! I am damn near speechless...as Moby should have apparently been!
My recent post Weekend Plans??
Excellent! A strong statement! Concise! I wholeheartedly agree and I will definitely tweet this!
My recent post A wireless weekend and wanting what you have: The Mindfulness of Appreciation
I always thought Moby was an asshole. This just solidifies it.
Excellent post, Jillsmo. I was pretty much awestruck by the sheer asshatery perpetrated on society by Moby. I think his irionic, hipster baldheaded self should issue a public apology. For everything he has ever said or done and all his music. But I may be biased.
My recent post Moby (Is A) Dick
It's unbelievable to me that anyone would think it was a good idea to think...never mind say...this. Unbelievable.
My recent post Oh No She Didn’t…
Great post!
My recent post We Did the Old Switcheroo!
Isnt is possible he was being fascetious? I'm going to do a bit more research on this.
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2 replies · active 708 weeks ago
Yeah, I think Moby is a complete self-righteous tool, but was that said with a sarcastic tone?

For example, if someone asked about my anxiety disorder and I said, "No, I'm just making it up. Hyperventilating on the couch in the corner at every social event makes me more interesting." with an eye roll. ...obviously I'm making a (really terrible) joke.

That said, though: if he really did make such a flippant comment he's kind of a douche.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday: The Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary
Yes that's what I was thinking stoop mama.
My recent post SSRIs in Pregnancy and ASD. A Weak Link.
How disappointing that someone can be so publicly flippant about such a serious diagnosis. My hope is that his comments were contrived or taken out of context.
I'm so glad I think he's pompous douche to begin with.
DICK! Totally confirms my suspicions about him that were based on his pretentious and overrated music.
My recent post The Question of Friends
I seem to be in the minority here...in that I actually quite like Moby's music.

But what an utterly shocking and insensitive thing to say about Asperger's. I can't believe anyone would say something so stupid.
My recent post Zombies Gave me Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
That quote was so off-the-charts insensitive that I clicked on the article to see what the context was. And he brought Aspberger's up himself like it's a standard flippant line of his, which makes it even worse than I'd imagined. He goes on to describe what a pretentious shmuck he was as a kid, then insults ALL fiction and pretty much all pop culture. Digging himself deeper as he goes of course. Wow. Can't believe I hadn't heard nor read this before, but thanks for bringing it to our attention.
My recent post The World's Weirdest Double Feature
Calling him a douche is an insult to douces everywhere and the fine work that they do.
Eminem should have beat his ass when he said he was going to. Dick.
Yeah I'm seconding Momma Teacher Lady. Moby is a dick.
My recent post Common sense
pretending is the opposite of art.

people criticized David Bowie for changing his looks, his sound, his style. But Bowie was true to himself and thus artistic. Bowie changed his look, style, etc when he was a little kid. his parents didn;t want to have him. as a result, he never felt like he belonged to anything. thus, his "changes" were truth.

Moby is a doosh. Glad you called him out of it.
Wow. Just wow.

What an asshole. That is no better than lying about having cancer for sympathy.
My recent post choices NOT chains; raising our daughters
Jill, can we be best friends forfuckingever?
My recent post *This Moment*
I hadn't heard about this. What a huge dick.
My recent post Tough Love
Well, this is real disappointment.
I've enjoy reading this blog post, even not interesting..I hope there will be coming a good one soon..
My recent post Chinaillon
What an insanely stupid thing to say. If I were his pr person I would have crawled under my desk with a bottle of scotch. Dumbass.
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Just read this, i want to see his response
heh. . . sometimes reading these in reverse chronological order is funny.
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