xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Out of the mouths of babes, uh... 7?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes, uh... 7?

We were just discussing this cartoon on Facebook so I pulled this mug off the very top shelf and put it back into circulation. Then I tried to give Child 2 some water in it, and of course, he wouldn't drink it until we had a lengthy discussion about what was going on in the picture. I explained that the dog was trying to trick the cat into climbing into the washing machine, etc. He pushes the mug away and says "I don't want to drink out of a cup that tries to trick cats." I had to pour the water into a different cup for him.


Nobodyspecial said...

Not to be persnickety but that's the dryer not the washing machine. I think it's Tina's mom who washes cats in the washing machine.

jillsmo said...

Oh, maybe if I had explained the dryer/washing machine distinction the whole thing might had ended differently. Next time!

Nobodyspecial said...

I'm not sure that it would have mattered. But cats really hate to get wet. And there are some children who think a ride in the dryer would be fun.

Juleska said...

Well said, Child 2...very well said indeed!

Nobodyspecial said...

How did this old thing resurface?

AlaphGypsy said...

Cats really "love" dryers when you put your little brother in there to keep it company...now that I would have firsthand knowledge or anything...

Between the dryer that followed the washing in a rain barrel that followed a paint dip I'm not sure that the cat cared much for us for a while...can't remember now...And people wonder why I'm not comfortable leaving my responsible child home alone...

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!
Cats do like dryers. Long time ago my mom had a dryer that the door popped open sometimes when the clothes were done. She went some time later & closed the door & turned it back on to get any wrinkles out and heard thud thud thud. Oops! Luckily he wasn't in there very long & survived :)

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