xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Wacom tales

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wacom tales

Wacom is the brand of tablet I got, fyi.

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LOL. Damn MIL's.
My recent post It didn't suck and that was awesome

I had to let hubs read that. He really REALLY wants an ipad and for the same reasons that you listed.. he doesnt have one either. He really wants one lol

So now he's pacing the kitchen with his coffee saying "efff that!!! that freaking SUCKS!! Why does the MIL get the ipad? She should get the ipad and MIL should get a new stationary set or something" hahahahaaa

He's so mad FOR you.

Congrats on the tablet!! personally, I love your drawings lol
My recent post Sweet Mall Victory
I don't know. The drawing tablet seems like a good investment to me.
Well, at least you got eyebrows...MIL did not!
My recent post Happy New Year!
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Oh, this from the woman who INSISTED on a nose....
hahaha I'm sorry you didn't get an ipad. I got a tablet too - AND i blogged about as well. Great minds think alike.
My recent post Time to Toot Boyfriend's Horn
I'm getting one next week as well!


Expect many more penis drawings on my blog... excited? I am.

My recent post Wheel! Of! Republicans!! (Place Your Bets, Folks)
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
I'm excited!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get anything I didn't wrap.

That should make you feel better. Or sad. I'm not sure which.
My recent post I'm back with Awards! Yeah, I'm soooo gonna tag you.
Ooh, I totally need a drawing tablet. Drawing with a trackpad mouse? LAME.
My recent post Unicorn of Happiness
We have one of those in a box.
Mother-in-laws pretty much ruin everything. Though I did love this post so I am happy you got a tablet. Hooray!
I love my tablet. You can also do cute things like make your kid who hates to write his name sign it once, and then just copy it and paste it on stuff.
My recent post Last Day
Don't be sad about the iPad, these Wacom things are the best! iPad is a toy for children, but with your tablet, your imagination will have no borders! I've got a wacom intuos, too, and i really love it. Which one do you have? Intuos, or a bamboo? and of course: i wish a happy new year! ;)
My recent post Dental clinics abroad
I want an ipad. I think that's why hubs hasn't gotten one for the boys. He knows I will steal it and never share with them ever. The nerve of him, really
My recent post What Will You Be in 2012.......
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Does MIL even know what an iPad is? She's got gray-hair, fer cryin' out loud...to old people, technology is just a fancy word for "paperweight", and that looks like a "yay, new paperweight" smile in your picture to me.

You should just paint a brick to match and switch it with the iPad, that way you'll both be smiling, and she'll be pleasantly surprised at how much more effective her paperweight suddenly is.

Oh, you're #46 on Top Mommy Blogs now. I bet that whole iPad thing seems trivial now. You're welcome!
2 replies · active 690 weeks ago
Did you notice I took the TMB link down? I don't seem to need them for the traffic anymore, so fuck it.

The fun part of buying the MIL an iPad, though, was not having to show her how to use it.

Good times.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah, good times!

I noticed the link was gone, I just had no idea that was ever just all about pimping for scrub readers like me...I figured you were just trying to destroy other mothers and crush their dreams, one vote at a time. Especially that Lady Goo Goo Gaga...SHE MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!

My husband has a tablet.They seem pretty cool. Maybe not iPad cool, but hopefully you'll get some good use out of it!
My recent post New Year’s Resolution: Be More Helpful
Dammit! I totally thought that when you got the MIL an iPad, Hubs was going to surprise you with one too. Oh well.
My recent post Looking Back, Looking Forward
Aww...Love the way you drew your story! I bet your hand hurts. When I type for a long period of time (8hrs) my carpel tunnel starts to act up. This is how you should do all your story's...lol Besides I think Ipads are over rated.
MamaSaidPlease http://mommaneeds1refill.blogspot.com/
My recent post Not what it looks like....Oh...ok.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Hubs very nicely suggested "I don't think you should do all your posts this way from now on..."

I don't think my hand could take it, anyway
I can't justify the cost of an ipad either, BUT I've wanted one since they came out and I've waited and waited and waited and now finally, the husband has agreed to let me get one with out tax return. It will be our first return with two kids so hopefully it's like, a million dollars, so I don't feel bad spending $500 on a toy.
out=our. oops
My recent post Dear: The Bump
If I could win an iPad, I'd send it to you for sure.

But I am excited to see what type of trouble you get into with your tablet. I have a feeling it's gonna be good.
My recent post Oy! My Baby Is Growing Up
You got a tablet. I got a stocking with gum, mints, super glue (no that was not a freaky typo) and a knee brace. Yes - my hubs outdid himself this year... LOVE the tablet, dammit!! ;)
My recent post Holidays are Weird.
I cant decide what I like better- the post... or all the fabulous comments. OK - the post has art, so it wins hands-down. Sooo funny and cultured too!
And just so you feel a little better, I will share that I have neither a tablet nor an iPad... nor even an iPod Touch. I do however have a cache of free apps that I am collecting on my computer and that I hope to someday sync with my someday iSomething. Until then I must live vicariously through your tablet genius...
Love your blog!

My recent post Appreciate the small moments…
I have been wrestling with the whole "I want an iPad but I can't justify it" quandary too... Maybe I should sell my art pad - I think people would pay me NOT to draw...
My recent post 40 Year-Old Me Meets 20 Year-Old Me
Let's do this!
I want one too, and just spent 350 bucks on a netbook which I could justify, price-wise. But it's not light and fun, it just feels like lugging around a computer to me. (That sounds lame. Well, I have a bad back.) Why does it hurt to draw on the tablet? How did you draw your posts before? (My hair would be totally gray if I didn't dye it, so does that justify the grandma baffled by technology question?)
My recent post Happy New Year
I bought my iPad used from my friend who just had to have the iPad 2 instead. But I'm paying $15 every month for the cellular connection so I can go online when I take my kids to the park. I'll bet you don't have to pay $15 a month to draw eyebrows while your kids are at the park. Just trying to look at the bright side.
My recent post Amateur Night

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