xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: The real brains behind the blog (like we didn't already know) & other stuff

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The real brains behind the blog (like we didn't already know) & other stuff

Friday morning early, the first words out of my mouth are "It's Friday!" Hubs says "Okay, that's it....." and goes to YouTube and plays for me that godawful Rebecca Black song that he's been threatening me with for days now. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just be happy, and whatever you do, for the love of god don't Google it. It's the worst song ever written and will end up in your head for all eternity. I'd heard about it from Twitter and reddit but I had refused to actually listen to it because I knew I would be cursed. Apparently Hubs had decided it was time. Thanks.

You've been warned

Anyway, he plays this god awful song which turns out to be, in fact, god awful, and then he starts singing along "It's Friiii-day, it's Friiii-day" and Child 2, who happens to be eating hash browns at the time, sings along with "Because I'm eating friiiiiied food, friiiiiied food."

I start laughing and I tell him "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to blog that."

Child 2 is very excited at the idea of me blogging something that he said, which surprised me because I didn't realize he knew what it meant, so I ask him "Do you know what blogging means?"

"Yes," he says "because you show me all the time" (I do? Okay). "You type in something that happens in real life and send it to somebody else's computer."

And hubs says: "Mama types funny stuff and everybody likes to read her stories."

To which Child 2 responds "yeah, but they come from me."

True story. They do come from him.

Do you think Child 2 is funny? If so, please vote for him!

Right now he's #12 in the Top 25 Funny Mom Bloggers at Circle of Moms. Voting ends Monday so please don't let him down. He's only 5 and would be crushed if he didn't end up in the top 25. How do you explain that kind of thing to a child?? So, please take a moment to click on the pink circle thingy and then click on the orange thumbs up dealie. THANKS!

I woke up this morning after a night of drinking and having an uncomfortable dinner with my husband and his divorced parents (where I drunkenly chatted on and on about god knows what in order to fill the awkward silences) and I found an untitled new post in my drafts folder. This is all it contained:

What do you think I was trying to say here? I should ask Child 2.

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were you censoring something environmental? a hippie censor, if you will?

or perhaps you were cusing about wind or solar energy, and the enviro fairies censored you

frankly, i think it looks like a slug trail. I'd ask the little guy in your hair...
I voted dammit! What a really cool converstation ~thanks for sharing it!
My recent post This Moment sisterhood!
Of course I had to cast a vote for you in the mommy blobber thingie... and I love that child #2 knows he's responsible for all of the funny stuff you post. You can always blame him now if someone reads your shit and becomes offended.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
DAMN straight you did! You have no idea how much you've impacted my self esteem this week.

But then I got drunk and just forgot about it. but you should still come back and vote again tomorrow because you're still trying to make it up to me.
Vote made. He did make me giggle. Smart kid ;-)
My recent post A Conversation With My Dog
Ok...voted AGAIN!!! Now DO THE MEME!!!
My recent post This is Me Meme!!!
2 replies · active 730 weeks ago
I'm doing it tomorrow! Already got my pictures drawn :)
See :-) You're not the only one who can be scary!!!
My recent post This is Me Meme!!!
Brandon.in.Idaho's avatar

Brandon.in.Idaho · 731 weeks ago

Rebecca Black is like a virus. If you've been infected you're bound to end up sharing it with people you know. Even when you try to fight it.

Typing on the laptop... on the laaaaaaptop...

Oh yeah, and *cough* vote for me.
My recent post Shameless Self-Promotion
Go green?
My recent post for the love of lists
1 reply · active 730 weeks ago
I have a 10 yr old girl who watches the Disney Channel so I was completely blindsided by that video... I remember thinking... "this must be some sick parody about how any tween with some relative in the business can get a video".... but it was no joke. And for those of you who have never experienced this horror, Jillsmo is right, it will play in your head for all eternity until you get a slug to bore a hole in your brain to suck it out.
I'm proud to say I'm the only person in the universe who hasn't listened to the Rebecca Black song! I'm terribly out of it and proud!

BTW, all my better blog material comes from my daughter! I'm in deep shit once she starts her own blog!
My recent post Xtremely Funny
I'm sorry...I didn't know one had to click on the thumbs up thingy...and I have wasted days of voting...argh!!!!!..your kid rocks, btw.
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My husband did the exact same thing to me--I could kill him. I had only heard of someone I knew who liked it (18 year old student in the same program) so I thought it must have been a legitimate song. Oh, how very ignorant I was. I'm afraid to hear it again. What if I walk away with permanent hearing damage? Or my ears start bleeding? People have fallen into comas for much less.
thanks for the warning. will steer clear of that song.

My kids thankfully don't know what a blog is... and it will have to disappear before they do.
My recent post That Deaf And Blind Kid Sure Plays A Mean Pin The Tail On The Donkey
I haven't heard the song and I don't plan to........I'm one of the lucky ones. Ahahaha.

And, I vote daily.
My recent post Full of Fun
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
And you rule. Daily. :)
I had to come over here and read your stuff, because I was hopping around some blogs and some random dude on one of them got your Memetastic Award! He actually got it from TWO people! I'd say your original mission was accomplished!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
That is CRAZY
That song rapes my ears.
I voted. I like the new one---you can see your number go up when you click on it. Yay!

My recent post This is Me Meme
Child 2 is funny. Also, those new names for them are really not working, I like "child 1" and "Child 2" . The green bar is a representation of what your brain does when it hears that horrible "Friday" song.
So cute & funny!! And your hubs has the right idea. Love to read it we do!

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