xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: A Birthday Post, for Liza

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Birthday Post, for Liza

Well, Liza, here is your prize for winning my birthday quiz, per your request. I know that you had asked for a birthday "story," and this is more pictures than story, but I still can't really write. Sorry. So, instead, I've resurrected an old birthday post that I posted last January. Even if I could write, though, I probably would have still done this, because it is, without question, the best birthday party I've ever been to.

Here are some pictures of Child 1's first birthday party. I don't usually show pictures of my kids but I figured since these were taken 8 years ago and he doesn't look like this anymore, it should be okay. I did, however (obviously) Photoshop fix the writing that was on the cake, because it had a frosto.

This was obviously before the major food/sensory issues that he still has today; I cannot imagine him ever again getting this messy with food.

The cake. Since this was birthday #1, it was a carrot cake, made with only organic, all natural ingredients. *snicker* He had never had anything like it before, as you will soon see.

"Do you like my hat?" "No, I do not like this party hat."

"What is this substance you have given me? It is red and sticky. I am dubious."


"I approve of your food choices, Mother. Oh, yes. I do approve."

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That picture of him face-planted into the cake is AMAZING.
My recent post Something has to change.
I don't know why. . . maybe it was a sensory thing. . . maybe not, but I don't recall Lily diving into the smoosh cake. Emma did, for sure.
Thanks Jill! I loved the Birthday post :) I appreciate you sharing those pictures - they are beautiful!
There is nothing better than cake up the nose. I'm in awwww of his cake face lol
My recent post Welcome to Home School!!!
Love this! The captions made me laugh out loud. Plus, Grace has something to do for the rest of the day (instead of "helping" me do dishes. She is singing "happy birthday, dear baby" to your pictures. =)
My recent post Slip Slidin' Away
Awwwww just awwwww
My recent post Another Mystery Solved By Yours Truly
Greatest post ever!! Cute cute kid. :)

My oldest kid just started OT for some sensory issues related to food textures and sticky hands.
My recent post Sweet Jeebus, I Think They May Finally Be Asleep!
Love the face plant. My oldest barely touched his 1st birthday cake. Now we know it was a sensory thing.
My recent post A Lead in the Mystery
What a cutie he was! Love these pics!
My recent post Oh, the Guilt!
I love the questioning look - "What is this? Will it please me?"

Excellent birthday post!
My recent post Best Compliment Ever
Thanks to Liza for the inspiration to this post! The hat was adorable! And yeah, I remember those cake faced pictures. Of my kid - not me... ;)
Those pictures are amazing! I'm also surprised that the birthday hat lasted as long as it did ;)
My recent post Lie to Me
Ohh he is so cute.. I definitely love his cake.. happy birthday on your baby boy!
My recent post Snowboarding Blog
Oh my lord. That dubious face followed by OMGCAKE face plant made me laugh out loud.
My recent post Son of a biscuit
That is so fantastic. I love that he dove right in! And your comments are hilarious!
My recent post The Playground Knight
hahaha yes, that's the right way to eat the cake...sooooo cute! such a memorable moment! priceless!
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