xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: Well, actually... I LOVE standardized tests!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Well, actually... I LOVE standardized tests!!!

Child 1 was better today and went to school. When we got home this afternoon I quizzed him about his day. Here is our conversation:

Me: What did you do in school today?

C1: Good (he always says that! Because he "memorized" the proper answer to "how are you?" and so he always throws this one out first)

Me: No... what did you DO today? (This is always what I say!)

C1: Nothing

Me: Did you hang out with Ms. H?

C1: Yes!

Me: What did you guys do?

C1: We did testing! (he seems very happy about this. In fact, it's pretty unusual that we ever even make it this far in the after school quizzing process)

Me: Testing? Cool! What did you think?

C1: It was fun! (still really excited)

Me: Fun? (seriously??) Why was it fun?

C1: Because I like filling in the bubbles.

Me: Cool. So, are you going to do more testing tomorrow?

C1: YES!!

So, there you have it. He thinks The Test is fun. I didn't even bother asking if he got the answers right, he clearly didn't care about that part. I'm sure his score will, once again, be Really Really Shitty, but he had fun!! So, fuck it. He gets to take it. It's like a treat!

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Well, it IS pretty fun to fill in those bubbles. Can't blame him. :)
My recent post Random Act Wednesday – Giveaway!
Ha ha! Well, I wish giving standardized tests was as fun as filling in bubbles.
Heh, he'll grow out of that.

Unless he discovers a passion for teaching. Then he will be testing people all his life.
I worked with special needs kids and the testing was such a joke. They would fill in various bubbles, sometimes all four bubbles and on the part where they draw/write a non bubble answer, they drew butterflies, and tornadoes and various things that just were not even in the same book, Wrong! But they always had a blast.
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1 reply · active 723 weeks ago
Oh, yeah, I'm sure there was at least one BART track on that paper when he was done. But HEY! He'll no doubt score in the VERY TOP percentile of BART train drawing accuracy in his subgroup :)
Gotta love kids..and testing bubbles.
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Do you think he likes to make cool pictures and patterns with his test sheet? That would be fun!
My recent post Conundrum
At least he's not lying awake all night long worried he'll get an answer wrong. Because THAT is completely normal and healthy.

Oh. Wait.
My recent post A Story About a Girl Who Definitely Isnt Me
1 reply · active 723 weeks ago
Ha ha I love it! Sometimes it's great not to be too normal!! :)
My recent post Looking Forward to Summer!
So frickin' cute. Yeah Child 1! 4TW ; )
My recent post Pabst Blue Ribbon and Edgar Degas

AND on the way to pick all of that stuff up, could you please cash this million dollar check for my uncle in Zimbabwe?

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1 reply · active 723 weeks ago
I love you, too, sister! <3
That's good! I'm glad he's enjoying it!
My recent post Dear Mister Contractor Man
Kids find pleasure in the simplest of things. I wish that was something that we didn't outgrow! The best conversations I've ever had, and the ones that have taught me the most about life have been with my children :)
That is so. freaking. cute!! I *heart* Child 1. And **yay** for you!! No more worrying!
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Karen-Aspergers Mom's avatar

Karen-Aspergers Mom · 723 weeks ago

Love it!

My recent post Last Month of School Blues
Aawww, gorgeous little dude.
My recent post Another Quack Bites the Dust
I love it! I'm glad he had fun. And I hope he made a really cool pattern with the bubble answers. (Too bad you can't see a copy. You could frame it as abstract art.)
My recent post Autism in the Classroom- Personal Reflections
1 reply · active 723 weeks ago
I know. I could make a FORTUNE!
Did I post this already? Blogger is acting up, no surprise. (possible double post: I don't wanna be a shameless self promoter here but well maybe I do...I have a blog where I am slowly uncovering the "evils" of education such as standardized testing. Slowly...as there is a million subjects to blog about, a job to go to, an infant to watch full-time, husband to pay attention to, house to clean...you get the point.) New post, and then I'll go away: Wait till he's older. Older kids HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE testing. I administer and manage those "lovely" exams and I get crap from it. I am the enemy,. But it kinda pays the bills. sigh.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
You did post it already but the link to your blog doesn't work either time :(
I love it!! It's almost like an unintentional act of defiance - to take the test on the pretense of filling in the pretty bubbles, without much care as to whether you get the right answers. I still hate standardized tests, though.
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It would be awesome if you could see the answer sheet to see if he's making cool pictures with the bubbles. They should have a Picasso score for those sheets.
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Testing IS fun - all those bubbles? All that perfectly filling in the circle? AWESOME!
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