xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' Yeah. Good Times.: It's my Blogthday!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's my Blogthday!

Yes, that's right! One year ago today I said to Google, "You know what, Google? Fuck it. Let's give this blogging shit a try, what do you say??" So I picked my favorite expression (at the time; I think we all know that if I started this blog today it would be called "I KNOW, right?") and started this fucker up. My first post was called I don't know what I'm doing. And guess what? One year later and I still don't know!

At first I told two people about it: Hubs and a friend. Then I told my online friends about it. Then I told my Facebook friends about it. And then... I don't know what the hell happened.  365 days and 571 posts later, I've managed to attract almost 400 followers. How? No fucking clue. Seriously. Who are you people?

Since I am a Bookkeeper, and a dork, I can't let this auspicious event go by without using Excel in some way, so here's a chart I made which neatly categorizes my 571 posts into friendly and easy to read graph form.

I thought about perhaps doing a retrospective; a "look back," if you will, at the last year. I could talk about things I've learned, how I've grown as a person; maybe give some advice to newbie bloggers; tell you how I did it and whatnot, but fuck that! Seriously, who gives a shit? Would anybody actually want to read that crap? And, really, if you're taking blogging advice from me I think you're probably cursed or doomed or drunk or something. So, no. Instead I've asked my friend Kendall from This Is Not That Blog (formerly known as the 21st century mrs) to draw me a picture of myself celebrating my one year blogging anniversary, in the way that only she can. YAY!

One thing I will do, though, is list for you 5 of my favorites so we can all have a good laugh. At me.

A whole day to myself, 6/27/10

Artichoke: You're trying too hard, 7/22/10

Laundry: FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!, 8/14/10

Sometimes you just have to admit defeat, 2/3/11

I REALLY need to monitor this child's library usage better, 2/23/11

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Many happy returns Jills blog.
Congratulations on being amusing for an entire year!

I love your blog, keep doing what you do, you do it well :)
My recent post Autism Blogger Attitude Quiz
Happy Blogthday!
My recent post Pulling My Bra Out Of the Fire
You don't look a day over 10 months...

Also, you make me laugh so hard that I regularly spit water on my keyboard, which means I love you.

Congrats and keep churning out the complete crap - me likey!

Woohoo! Awesomeness!
My recent post
I love it. Keep on blogging!
That is fucking priceless! Ambien cupcakes....now that's up my alley!
My recent post Who needs a fountain when you have the pool!
Happy Blogthday! You are full of the awesome.
My recent post What we ate
Awwww....blogs are so cute at this age. Happy Blogothdayversaryulationsssssssssssss
My recent post Audrey Is Going to Gymnastics Camp and I Am a Terrible Friend
Happy Blogthday! Love the picture! You are awesome! (I should stop exclaiming so much!)
My recent post Love- links- comments- and oh- a win!
Happy one year! And what a year it's been! Wow! It's been great getting to know you through your blog. You're awesome!
My recent post Happy Mothers Day!
I love this chart and the drawing! Way to celebrate... Happy Blogthday! And pass those Ambien sprinkles around. :)
My recent post Socially Awkward Days…
Happy Blogiversary! I LOVE that picture. I might need a gluten-free cupcake with Ambien sprinkles....
Wow, they grow up so fast, don't they? I will drink tonight in honor of your blogthday! I will drink anyway, but might as well make it sound like it's celebratory, right? Happy happy day to you!!
My recent post Happy Mother’s Day
Congrats! WOW! And yes please, I'll have a tray of cupcakes to go.
My recent post I’m getting away!
Happy Blog Day!
My recent post Julie Andrews
571 posts in 365 days?! Holy shit, that's like 5 posts a day (I fail at math, I think I'm the ying to your yang). You are my hero. Happy blogthday to you!!
My recent post SOMEBODY needs a nap
Ok, the laundry post is just plain epic!

Happy bloggie birthday! First birthday means you get your own cake to mash up and wreck, right?

May your 2nd year be as much fun as the first.
My recent post An Imaginary Reality Show
And now that I have found you on twitter, I nearly blow coffee out my nose several times a day laughing. Thanks for that!
My recent post Crafting Fail
Seriously you are such hilarious and wonderful person. You helped to open my eyes to a world of twitter and blogs. thanks mama!! Congrats to you....Oh and Kendall I LOVE your picture. You are so amazing too!!
HOLD ON FOR 1 MORE DAY - DON'TCHA KNOW?! Oh, I'm singing with ya.

I'm impressed with your Complete Crap ratio - I think my piece of that pie chart would easily throw down the 50% threshold.
*sniff* our lil' blogger's all grown up! *sob*

I woulda baked you a cake or something, except i didn't. so there's that.
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Nice! Happy Blogthday! 571 posts in 365 days?!
Oh. And I love Wilson Phillips. And pie charts.
Happy Blog-irthday Missy! Love your raw voice and attitude it comes to teaching us how to gain some followers :)
You pretty much rock!

My recent post Its not very nice to dance inside Mamas Tummy!
I will tell you the same thing I tell myself every year on my birthday. Don't look at it as being another year older. Look at it as being THAT much closer to menopause. Although if your blog is only one, it's got a looooong way to go.

Congratulations on 49% Complete Crap!
Vodka Champagne? You know how to party!
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Recently found and started following your blog. Love it! You are pretty much awesome as awesome goes. Possibly more so. Yep! Keep it up!
My recent post Sleep Baby- SLEEP
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Handflapper's avatar

Handflapper · 722 weeks ago

Here's hoping for many more blogthdays to come! You'll have to teach me how to embed videos some time, smarty smart pants.
My recent post Sarah Silverman watches me poop Jealous much You know you are
Well,you've got at least 6months before you'll want to get your blog assessed. You know, just in case.

Love you!
My recent post Thats Gonna Leave A Mark
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu,
Happy Birthday dear Jillsmo Blooooooog,
Happy Birthday to You!

And maaaaannnnyyyy moooooreeee!!!!
Love this blog and you too!
Now don't get lazy on us!
My recent post Fabulous Fabkins
You may not know what you'r doing, but at least you're having fun doing it. ;-)
My recent post My latest goodreads review-
Congratulations and happy Blog birthday! I find your graph to be fascinating. I think you're doing fine.
Excellent visuals, dude. Happy blogthday!
My recent post Living with an Open Heart
Nice work Jilly! Hugs and stuff. Kind words. Encouragement. Keep up the good work. Etc.
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
first time visitor here. i like the use of a pie chart, but only if it's accurate. i don't like satire.
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
I need to know how you got almost 400 followers, I am sad and pathetic. I'm going off to have a good cry.
My recent post Happy Cinco Moth-irth-sary
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Here's to the next 365... days (I don't want to get ahead of myself here and wish you 20 more years, I mean, a LOT can happen in one year).
Any pie charts regarding how you came up with your five favorites?
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
happy blogthday! xD
My recent post buying our domain
I will only wish you a happy blogthday if you promise me an ambien sprinkled cupcake.

My recent post The one with the wiggle
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
Happy happy happy! :)
400 followers in a year? That's impressive! I'm just hoping for 100 some day. Then again, 571 posts in a year is way more than I'll ever post. I've yet to crack 200 in 10 months. I'm glad that I started following you. Your posts are very entertaining, although not quite as funny as your tweets. :) How in the world can someone be so funny in less than 140 characters? Congrats!
My recent post Oh- Here Go Hell Come
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
aka Ex-PTA Whore's avatar

aka Ex-PTA Whore · 722 weeks ago

I was your first commenter. Where's my celebratory xanax?
2 replies · active 722 weeks ago
Happy blogthday. Love the "complete crap." I read your blog because you make me laugh.
My recent post Mother’s Day Perfection – LOL

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